I am learning that most of my friends and family are . . . curious. . . . about WHY I am doing an IRONMAN (2012). . . . . again (2014). . . . . I'm sure some days I will have the same questions, so here is an honest look into who I am - what is motivating me, what my goals are, and how I get from HERE to IRONMAN in 52 weeks . . . enjoy the ride!

Thursday, December 27, 2012

Christmas time

Here are a few photos from our Christmas time. . . . . 

My favorite Christmas Gift.  

Duane was able to find ONE printable picture from our trip 
to the sacred grove and he used some quotes from the talk 

Playing glow in the dark . . . . . 

basketball, baseball, frisbee, bouncy ball =
Christmas day    F   U   N   !!
note: we are still in our pajamas!

Here we are in Lethbridge with cousins Joel, Anna, and Maddie -
sledding at the infamous Sugar Bowl.
When the cousins get together - a GREAT time is had by ALL!

Sledding on Kate's new giant sled from Santa - woohoo!

The post Christmas dinner talent show was pretty awesome this year!

Joel's debut on the violin - 
was a bit freaky if you believe in time travel - 
it could have been Brad!!!!

He was VERY GOOD!  and cute to boot!

After Anna and Maddie's piano pieces, Gracie was NOT to be forgotten - 
and she gave us a wonderful rendition of "I am  Child of God"

The ukelele and the young adults added an element of FUN 
to the show -  Thank you Joanne, Elizabeth and Max!

Although not prepared for the talent show -
 (how could we forget this???  It happens EVERY year??!?!?  Sheesh -) 
The Beazer kids pulled off a lovely sounding 'Silent Night'

Good Times at the Appleton Christmas get together.  We missed Carrie, but were able to talk to her and the Chiles Family - and we even sang 'Happy Birthday' to Carrie and Aidan.  We miss our Taiwan cousins.  It is going to be a ROCKIN' summer this year - just sayin'.

Saturday, November 10, 2012

Life AS and Ironman - Day 7

The time changes are making me wonky!

I woke up and the clock said 5:30.  Not bad I thought - I got up, took my thyroid pill, and laid back down, wondering if I could sleep for a few more minutes.  Nope - I decided to check my mail, and have a shower.  Just before stepping into the shower, I noticed the clock on the computer said 5 something. . . 5 something??  What??  Then I remembered, the clock in the room was an hour fast last night - we discussed it!  So. .. . I got up at 4:30am?  ugh - what am I supposed to do about it now?

Well, I got up, showered, shaved, updated the blog. . . I hope I am not too tired today - but alas - like I said - what am I to do about it now.

I am excited for today - a beautiful drive through Maine and New Bruswick - and the 'piece de resistance' - finally seeing Katherine, her new baby, and the Hann Family!  So excited. . . I think that is why I couldn't sleep!

It's going to be a beautiful day!

I can't believe it has been 1 week since my Ironman Race.  All things considered, I am feeling pretty good.  Still nursing my scrapes, bruises and toenails - but other than that I feel FINE.  Who would of thought.  The body is an amazing thing!

Friday, November 9, 2012

Life AS an Ironman - day 6

Bright and early we got up and went for breakfast - alas the breakfast room was FILLED to capacity with show choirs and restoration workers!  Not a table in sight, and a line that went all the way around the room. . . . oh well - we gotta feed these kids!  We squished around a little table - no one complained.

We were in the lobby by 7:55am waiting for our shuttle bus to take us to the train station.  He wanted to leave early because they were closing one of the main tunnels to NY.

We were early - but we had a few minutes to look around and get a few last minute souvenirs.

The train ride to Boston was beautiful.  I think I may have found my new love - the countryside is AMAZING!

Boston is lovely!  It reminds us ALOT of Edmonton, but more.  The temple was beautiful, majestic, grande, magnificent, strong, and so BIG!  WOW!

Duane and I at the Boston Temple

All 5 kids enjoying the beauty and majesty of this amazing building that was built 12 years ago

The roads in Boston - ugh.  SO GLAD we have the GPS.

After finally finding the temple, and taking a few pictures, we headed out of Boston, both trying to convince each other that we weren't TOO tired to drive all the way to Katherine's house. . . . as we were driving, getting more tired by the minute - seeing that we would not arrive until 2am . . . .we both decided that it would be best to stay the night somewhere.  Shocked that we made that decision by 9:00pm - we decided to stay in Portland, Maine.

Goodnight - we are EXHAUSTED!

Thursday, November 8, 2012

Life AS an Ironman - day 5


I have to get some pictures on here. . . but in a nutshell. . .

Today was touring by bus,

First NYC hot dog!

Out to the Statin Island Ferry

Seeing the Statue of Liberty -

More touring by bus - REALLY cold

Deciding to walk because it was just too cold up on that open bus.

The apple store - a new iPad mini

F.A.O Schwartz - the big piano

Shopping for a few souvenirs

Finally buying a touque for me, and then a scarf, and fingerless gloves too. . . ahh finally warm!

Dinner at a healthy food cafe place - mmmm delicious.

Back to the hotel

Repack all the bags, pillows, blankets etc, into 8 duffles, 2 coolers and 7 backpacks.  Now we can haul our stuff 'a little' easier.  Keep in mind it is still 17 bags!

Wednesday, November 7, 2012

Life AS an Ironman - day 4

So, I was showing Duane my post and he said I should change it from

Life after Ironman to life AS an Ironman.

Life after Ironman feels like it is over, completed, like the life I worked so hard for is finished.

Life AS an Ironman denotes progression, the future, that the experiences of Ironman will continue to make me stronger, and the excitement will continue!

So there it is, once again, Duane takes an active roll as my manager.

He got an e-mail last night from someone at the Junior High School in Cardston, asking if I would speak to the grade 8 girls about . . . I don't really remember - setting goals, reaching them.  He called me a local hero.  Weird.  I don't really feel like I have done anything to deserve that title - I am not sure how to take that in.

Day 4 of recouperation, we are still travelling on the train - we are about 3 hours from New York City.  My ankles are still swollen - there is no where for me to get my feet elevated.  I am drinking lots, and peeing lots. . . My toenails are still a mess. . . it looks outside like it is getting cooler and cooler ( the sad but REAL truth)

The kids are doing their homework.  Some of them more willingly than others.  Alas - reality bites sometimes.

Arrived in New York this afternoon - and we are a big undertaking!  Getting 7 people, their carry-ons ( which is all we could carry) and their checked baggage to a taxi that will drive to Jersey without any baggage carts - - - - well you can imagine.  At one point I said. . . this is worse than Ironman!

We finally made it to our hotel - the second storm of the season is hitting - I think they are calling it Athena. . . . we decided to head back to New York Times Square.  We had dinner at Ruby Tuesday's (the first place we saw that we could duck out of the sleet, and wind)  The food was good.  We were hungry.  We played in the Toys R Us store, m&m store, Hershey store, a couple of souvenir shops . .. . and some McDonald's apple pie for the ride home - everyone was SO cold!  Glad Dad bought some umbrellas!  Saved the night!

We picked up the shuttle at 9 and headed back to the hotel - we were tired!  I slept in my own bed with my feet elevated to try and get my ankle swelling down!

Tuesday, November 6, 2012

Life after Ironman - 3 days

Well, we got up EARLY this morning from our hotel in .  We took a suburban 'cab' to the train station, and got there just in time to check a few bags, and haul the rest onto the train.  There was not a cart in sight - bizarre!  That was ALOT of bags today!  We should be able to eat through a bunch of our food today, and be able to get our bags down to 3 per person (duffle, backpack, pillow/blanket) and 3 coolers.  That I can handle.  I had to carry a bunch of stuff on my sore shoulder today - ugh.

So we are on our way to New York City, we should arrive tomorrow after lunch sometime.  We are passing through so many trees with beautiful fall colors - I LOVE the reds and oranges - surprise!

One of the train ladies just got after us for having our own food in here - WHAT?!?!?  Just sitting in the car with the tables - the perfect place for making lunch, which is coming up soon - - - - she says we are supposed to keep our own food in the chairs?!?!  That is weird.

Duane helped me figure out why we can't eat in here - it is the car attached to the snack car.  So they are trying to sell stuff.  Usually there is a car that has tables that is above the snack car . . . but this train does not have that - oh well.  We can deal with it.  Life on the train - you just can't get ruffled.  I love it!

So, as far as recovery goes. . . I thought I was doing pretty good - till Jack kicked my big toe under the game table on the train today.  The first time he did it, I think he broke a blister, because liquid came out the front of my toe- nail.  He was pretty grossed out by that, but not enough I guess because . . . he did it again.  The second time he did it, I think I may have said a bad word - cause it felt like he kicked my toenail OFF!  Sure enough I looked down and there was blood and puss - the toenail was sideways - not sure what what what. . . .   It was pretty GROSS!  Emma's first aid training kicked into gear, and she wrapped up for me.  I was in tears from the initial kick ( and so was Jack).  It really does feel fine now - just gross.  My biggest worry now is what to wear on my foot - not sure how well my runner will fit. . . and i don't dare go in flip flops, cause the last thing I need is infection. . . .

A girls dillemma - what to wear?!

So I am trying to update my race report (race day post) on my blog today (just a few posts back).  I found this on I<3 to run's website today...  I found it appropriate.

Life after Ironman. . . . I definitely feel REBORN!

It takes courage to do it, to be a runner.  
We all found that out a long time ago.  
Because it is about more than fatigue. 
It's about pain, and dealing with it for a long time.  
And it's about resolve. 
- John L. Parker

Monday, November 5, 2012

Life after Ironman - 2 days. . . .

Today we got up and got the rental house cleaned up, laundry done, food packed up, bags packed, bike packed, stuff to ship home packed - Woooo - all by 10am.  No wonder I was so tired this afternoon.

My parents were warriors today!  They helped with the kids, made and cleaned up breakfast, cooked up food from the freezer, and so many other things!  We could NOT have done it without them.  They are SO GREAT!

Rick and Carol left before Duane and I came down from our room (we had ALOT of stuff to organize in our room!)  Carol was joking last night about being up at 4 and out the door!  I don't think they left that early - but we did miss their departure, sorry Rick and Carol.  Happy Anniversary to you, and thank you for coming and being a part of this experience!

We drove to Ft. Walton Beach to a Fed Ex store and shipped away the bike box, and 2 other boxes with all my triathlon gear, extra clothes, flip flops, all the warm weather stuff = 150lbs of STUFF!  Wow!

I was having a hard time today, letting go of Ironman, leaving Panama City Beach, feeling like it was over.  I had a couple of little breakdowns today.  Duane told me that it is not over - it has just changed our path - it is a moment in time that has shifted our future.

I knew I would be feeling 'down' after it was over, I didn't think it would happen so soon, but I think just leaving here, and shipping away all my triathlon gear was the trigger today.

I drained some more blisters under some of my toe - nails today (yes, I have multiples - my left big toe being the worst).  GROSS!  I know, but man do they feel better!  The pressure was unbelievable!

My dad put some more Chinese medicine cream on my scabs - eye, elbow, neck, hands (front and back), and leg and knee.  We 'absorbined' last night - I know my dad loves me when he 'doctors' up my wounds.  Thank you Dad.

So we have driven through Florida, Alabama, Mississippi, and into Louisiana today.  What an adventure we are on!  We tried to find a GREAT place to take the kids for dinner tonight - but what a challenge driving around New Orleans in a full size van, up and down one way streets, with a football game going on, police directing traffic and a rain storm going on.  We still loved it!  The French Quarter was AMAZING, Bourbon Street was so VERY cool.

My high school friend Amy Schnoor posted her favorite quote on my facebook today,

 "how you treat your body is a direct reflection 
of how grateful you are for your life."

I am so very grateful for my life.

Sunday, November 4, 2012

the day after . . .

I think I need one of these for my tree this year.
I didn't see any at the Ironman store here in Florida - better send Duane on- line.
Maybe I need my own tree full of them - ha ha ha (only kind of joking)
Wow - man I am sore.
I think a lot of it is from my bike crash - but I will recover.

Wow - how do you write a race report for that?!  

What an experience.  Still processing the whole thing.  Not sure when life is going to slow down enough to write about it.  Maybe when we are on the train to New York.  

Saturday, November 3, 2012


It has begun, it has begun, it has begun!!!!

4am - alarm - finally.  I am not sure how many times I woke in the night - but I always went back to sleep - so I am telling myself I got a good 6.5 hours of sleep - that is respectable - I am happy with that!

1. - the bathroom.  Very important step - but for everyone's sake, I will not go into details. .. . although, I hear another alarm going off. . . we had set 4 I think - between Duane, Emma and I.

2. Duane has taken Emma, and they are out the door - off to the volunteer swim start.

3. Shower - I know, you are saying - really?  a shower?  Yes - really a shower - I have to start off right - any day is not right without a shower.

4.  Get dressed - into my 'super hero suit' - that is kind of how I feel about my triathlon outfit - like a super suit. . . that is good, cause today, I am going to need to be a 'super'!

5.  Eat my first course meal - oatmeal, banana, honey - oh how I love my oatmeal.

6. Pack Special needs bags - add frozen coconut water, and perpetuem, ice and water bottles. . . . .

7.  Next meal - green smoothie - I can DO ANYTHING with this superfood in my system ( oh the power of the mind)

8.  Out the door 5am - I am off - my goals are on my arm in black sharpie marker - See you in 14-17 hours for the rest of the story.

It is a beautiful day for a swim.  

A perfect day for a bike ride.  

A lovely day to run a marathon!

Here is the rest of the story - as I remember it.

We got to the Walmart parking lot where we took a shuttle bus to drop off our 'special needs bags' for the run and for the bike.  In I went to check my bike tires, put my garmin on the bike, put my perpetuem on the bike as well as fill up my water bottle with ice and water.  It all looks good - said a little prayer and tried to find Duane to pass off my backpack and my bike pump.

I finally found him, but I was starting to get worried, as it took a while.  We headed out to the beach.  I put on my wetsuit - just 1/2 way as it was pretty warm out, and I didn't want to start sweating in it before I even started swimming.  We tried to see if we could find Emma anywhere as she was volunteering during the swim portion of the race - no luck.  We found my mom and dad, the kids and Carol - we took a few pictures.  I really didn't want him to leave me. . . . Duane gave me a kiss and I was off with the 2500 other athletes to 'take on the challenge'.  Duane's version of this moment went kind of like this:

They had us all go through the 'start gate', and when all the athletes were through, they blew the horn and we slowly got into the water and started to take on the breakers.  I finally just dove in and started swimming.  I couldn't see the buoys for a lot of the swim, I just kept following the crowd.  It was choppy, but fun!  I never got swam over and kicked in the head or gut or any of that stuff that everyone talks about.  It was strange to swim in such close proximity to people the whole time though.  I did get a few mouthfuls of salt water from people on occasion, but I felt like I handled it fine.  Coming though for the second loop seemed REALLy slow to me as we had to wade through knee high water to get back to the starting point again - but off we went again.  I loved the swim.  When I came through the finish line to the 'wet suit strippers', they did their thing and got my wet suit off - which was REALLY cool, but then I was covered in sand!  Even though we ran through some showers, I felt like there wasn't enough water to get the sand off of my clothes, and I was wishing for dry, clean, non-sandy clothes to change into (although that would bring on it's own set of challenges).  When I ran past the clock I saw 1:54 or something on the clock, and I was shocked that it took me so long to do the swim - I was a bit disappointed, but determined to make up a little time on the bike.

Out of transition, and I had to find my own bike - they must have not had enough volunteers in the bike section of the race because I had to get my own bike. . . it was a little disappointing, but ok.  I forgot to turn my garmin on until just before I crossed the 'mounting' line.  But then I was off!  The bike was amazing!  We had rented wheels from the race and they were amazing!  My cadence sensor did not seem to be activated, but everything else seemed to be working fine.  I was so glad that Duane and I had talked about what kind of pace goals would bring me in at what kind of time. . . . so I just tried to keep my pace at about 17 miles/hour.  I had so much fun on the bike!  I couldn't believe that I had no issues with my saddle.  My feet bothered me a bit, and I started to wonder if I need to try a different clipless system - something instead of the speedplay.  Although I LOVE speedplay and it is all that I have ever used, and I don't like change - it felt like they were just pushing right on the the morton's neuroma - I was concerned that it may have aggitated it for the run, but I just kept shaking out my feet every once in a while, and we made it to the 'special needs' pit stop.  I was so excited to look in my bag as I really didn't remember what I put in there!  Like a Christmas Surprise!  Oh, flavored coconut water that was still a bit slushy!  It hit the spot completely!!  I changed out my empty perpetuem bottle for a new cold one, and I still had another one on the back of my bike!  I realized at this point that I had overstocked my nutrtion, but who knew I would be so much faster on the bike than I ever had been in training!!  I kept at the bike, and when I was at about mile 92?  Something happened, all of a sudden I was in a rut, and then the edge of the road flipped me and I was on my side, both feet still clipped in my pedals.  I think 2 fellows stopped and asked if I was ok.  I said yes.  Can you get your feet out of your clips?  I said no.  They helped me unclip, moved my bike off of me and helped me sit up.  You should sit for a few mintues they said.  Ok I replied.  Do you want us to call the medic?  No, I will be fine.  Thank you for your help - you can go.  I will sit here.  I looked around me - my bars and gels were just behind me - my garmin watch strap ( for the run) was broken and on the side of the road.  My knee was scraped, and my shoulder was bloody, but my 'super suit' (my triathlon suit) did not have a tear or a snag on it.  I figured I must be ok, so I gathered my stuff, tried to fix my watch band, but my hands were shaking too bad, so I stuffed it in my back pocket, thinking I would try later, or when I saw my dad, he could fix it.  I stood up and saw stars and double everything.  I sat back down. . . . I checked my sunglasses, they are a bit broken, but they still work.  Sunglasses on = double, sunglasses off = still double.  I looked at my bike.  Nothing seemed broken, my shifters were scraped and bent inwards, and bent them back.  My brand new wide awesome bike shoes - one shoe was scraped down the side - but not broken.  Nothing is broken - - - - - -I was getting a bit antsy.  So I walked with my bike for a minute, then I would close my left eye - and VOILA!  I could see everything single again. . . Ok - I am going to finish this - I only had about 15 or so miles left.  So I started riding - this is probably kind of dangerous I thought, but what am I supposed to do?  Everything still works - I HAVE to finish this!  I would keep checking with 2 eyes occasionally, until finally, I could see single vision with 2 eyes.  It was just before the transition, so when I came in and they asked me if I was ok - I said ya - I am good!  The volunteers took my bike almost as soon as I crossed the line - nice - like Valet parking!  I loved it!  I went and changed, and there were 2 young girls who helped me pull out my shoes and socks, and asked if I was hurting - nope I said.  Well, you have some advil here if you want it for later.  Thanks I said - and I was off on the run.  Oh I FORGOT my Garmin on my bike - I remembered as I was running down the shute almost past my bike - a wonderful volunteer got it for me. THANK YOU!  I just held it in my hand as my watch band was broken in my back pocket.

Down the shute, and out on the run.  I felt good!  My runners felt good!  OK - a lovely evening for a run!  Here I go - off for my first marathon!  At this point I thought there was a chance that I could run this in 5 hours (which was my 'A' race plan).  There were a lot of aid stations.  Erin said I could walk through each one and get a drink, or do what I needed to do, and so I did, but I found it hard to get moving every time.  Especially as the  evening went on.  Miles 1-6, I dedicated to my family.  When I saw my dad at about mile 5, I gave him my watch band and asked him to fix it.  I knew he would have it ready for me on the way back.  Miles 6-12 miles I dedicated to my community.  I tried to sing like Deirdre told me to, as it was getting harder.  Miles 12-18, I dedicated to my 'run like a mother' group.  Oh this was TOUGH - miles 12-16 just about DID ME IN.  When I came around to the aid station, just around the corner from the family's spot, and Jack, Clara, and Carol were working there I just broke down!  I cried - told her it was too hard, and that I didn't know if I could do it!  Carol walked with me, and said some stuff - I am going to have to get her version of the moment here, cause I don't really remember what she said - but I think I took her by surprise being such a mess.  When I came around by my parents not even a mile later, I will still struggling.  Duane and Emma were at the entrance of the park at about mile 16.  They gave me a hug and told me I could do this.  I told Duane to 'tell me again'.  He hugged me, and I remembered - this is ALL mental now!  So, I just started telling myself just run to the next aid station, then you can walk.  Just run to . . . . then you can walk for a minute.  You can run for 1 mile. . . . . You can run 20 miles - you have done this in the wind and cold.  You can do this.  Once I came back out of the park, I thought I would see my family at their usual spot, but there was no one there ( I guess I was going faster than they guessed).  I saw Carol, Jack and Clara again at the aid station - and it was just about 6 miles left.  I can DO six miles.  Then my knee started to hurt - almost catch.  Not too long after my knee started to bother me, my achilies tendon started to really tighten up.  Oh no I thought.  I really don't want to ruin myself now!  I did not give any credit to my aches and pains to my bike crash.  Whether it was my head injury, or just the exhaustion of the day, I did not put 2 and 2 together.  I started encouraging the people coming towards me.  That always helps lift my spirits.  It started working.  I still had to walk more than I wanted to at this point - but I was getting closer with every step - I was going to make it!  I really had no idea what my end time was going to be like at this point.  I really thought that I was 15 hours and something - which I was happy with. . . . . when I came into the final shute

Friday, November 2, 2012

1 day till IRONMAN - this is it - Goodnight!

Today is the day.  The last day of preparation. . . . there is nothing else I can do - but to


Today the weather here is beautifully perfect - the wind has died down the temperature has risen and is now hovering at about 25 degrees C.  Truly Perfect!

I got on my bike and rode for 20 minutes this morning - it was GREAT!  My new tires felt like I was cutting through butter with a perfectly sharpened knife.  Oh, I think I might really enjoy the 112 mile bike ride tomorrow.  I keep complaining to Duane about how large my legs are - his reply today is - use the gift that God has given you, those strong leg muscles will get you through this bike ride!  Hmmm.  Maybe I will love my large legs after Ironman. . .

Today we practiced a flat tire - I have got this.  I still am hoping and praying for NO flat tires!

We put my number on my bike # 818.  I think the sticker may never come off my bike.  I love it!

Checked in my bike at slot # 818.  Duane did the simple math - my bike is in a bike lot that is worth an easy million dollars. . . . WOW!

Checked in my Bike Bag # 818.  That is a LOT of bags!  I hope the volunteers can find it in a timely manner tomorrow!

Checked in my Run Bag # 818.  Can't believe my Ultra Runners are in there among all these Ironman athletes. . . . soon I hope that I will feel like I have earned my spot here. . . .

I have been eating and drinking all day - filling up with energy.

Emma has gone to her Volunteer meeting - with the Navy Seals - she is so excited!!

When Duane gets home we are going to drive a bit of the bike route - just to ease my anxiety a bit.

So here is how you can follow me tomorrow.  I am sure Duane will be posting hourly ( ha ha), if not more. . . . on facebook - or

here is a beach camera from the hotel hosting Ironman


Here is the link to the ironman.com live feed, with my Bib # (818) it should give updates.  


There should be a link button tomorrow on this site for a live feed coverage.

I will put some pictures on this page later - showing the bikes and the race bags - but it is getting late - and I am getting tired - so I am going to go to sleep.

Goodnight - Tomorrow is going to be a GREAT day!  I am getting excited now!  Thank you all for your kind words of encouragement, support, and for your prayers.  I love you ALL!

WOW!  I can't believe it!  This is it!!

Thursday, November 1, 2012

2 days till IRONMAN - race bags ready

Packing AGAIN!  Oh how I get so worked up about packing - 5 race bags - seriously??!?!

Some of the items in my race bags are just a given, but other things - like the 'special needs bike bag' and the 'special needs run bag' - that I might get back, and I might NOT get back, I have to guess what I might be feeling at that point, and what I might want in the bag to help combat a sore stomach or being too cold, or maybe too hot, or sore, or hungry, or . . . . this is a recipe for disaster!  Yikes!

I went for a 20 minute swim today in the ocean - the waves were still pretty big, but I felt like I got a little more rhythm out there, and it felt good.

We had the athlete's dinner and race meeting tonight.  Duane got a ticket and came with me which was good.  The meal was a carb loading dinner - which for someone who is super careful about gluten - it is a bit of a joke.  Pasta Salad, vegetarian lasagna, cooked beans, salad, linguini, chicken and marinara sauce, buns, butter, cookies, brownies, pudding, bananas, apples and oranges.  I am glad I had a green smoothie late in the afternoon.

They wanted to know who had lost more than 50 pounds on their journey to ironman - Duane made me stand up, then they wanted to know 75 pounds - he wouldn't let me sit down, followed by the question of 80, 90, 100, 110, 120, 125 - there were just 2 of us left and he called us to the stage to tell our short story.  I was completely out of my comfort zone - I thought I might throw up.  I just made 2000 new friends.  So many high 5's and congratulations the rest of the night.  He asked what I had learned that I didn't know before - I replied with something like " that anything is possible, and that I wanted to change the future for my family, and now we are here - and that we are all in this together".  At least that is how I remember it - maybe I said something completely different.  I don't know.

I will have to add some pictures later - maybe tomorrow - I have got to go to bed - that was an exhausting day for me!  I am an introvert you know!  Sigh.

Wednesday, October 31, 2012

3 days till IRONMAN - Things just got real

Wednesday October 31 - - this is the most non - traditional Halloween I have ever experienced, and I have to admit - I kind of liked it!  This will be no surprise to anyone who knows me, but I'm warning you now - one of these years though, we will have a real Halloween and shock the pants off my kids ( ha ha).  

This morning started bright and early, my mom and dad, Duane and I went to volunteer at the Ironman Registration.  They had a LOT of volunteers today, and there wasn't a lot for us to do, so I got my own registration package picked up and we went 'shopping' at the Ironman tent - that was fun!  

I did a chocolate milk commercial, in hopes of winning a spot at Kona and some training, and some money, I don't really know. . . I told them I was lactose sensitive, but that my kids like chocolate milk, and they said, "just say what your kids would say about chocolate milk!"  Okey dokey!

It was exciting to talk to many other people today from all over the world who were doing their 'first Ironman' here in Florida.  It helped me feel not so alone.  It was good.  But it did make it REAL!

We went to Taco Bell for lunch and they have some new sayings on their hot sauce packets - this was my favorite one for today!

We came home and I was exhausted from being around all the people and the shopping - so I had a nap - hoping that when I woke up, I would feel this way:

Sigh.  I am still feeling pretty lazy and tired - so I tried to gather my children to come on my 20 minute run - the only one who was game was Emma - so off we went.  Her stomach began to bother her after about 10 minutes - so I did the rest by myself.  It had gotten pretty windy by this point - which I am used to - but having sand blowing in my face - not so used to.  My garmin told me that I was running fast today - interesting.  The forecast for Saturday still looks perfect - - - and I am hopeful.

Duane took Jack and my bike back to the Ironman Tent, and got 'race wheels' put on my bike - she is looking ready.  He cleaned her, and put new bar tape on too.  

We watched a Kona DVD that they gave away today - it was inspiring.  That is what this is all about - determination, conquering, the human spirit, giving back, and giving your all....

My brother Rick and his wife Carol arrived tonight - Happy Halloween!  

We picked up a pirate ship lego kit (that was on clearance), played "Don't Eat Pete" ( with Jack-o-lanterns), put on some temporary Halloween tattoos, and played some cards with Aunt Carol.  Perfect.

Duane cooked and stretched my new bike shoes tonight - we were both a bit nervous - but it is done. . . . I am now headed to bed because tomorrow is COMIN'!

Tuesday, October 30, 2012

4 days till IRONMAN - feeling tired and lazy

The taper is a funny thing . . . . .

If you are feeling tired and lazy, and like there is no way you can do this thing. . .

. . . . you are on track?

I'm not feeling the humidity of Florida . . . at all.  Weird.  Maybe it just isn't hot enough?

It is really windy here today - they are saying it is some of the remnants of hurricane Sandy. . . I hope it passes soon.  That hurricane has devastated NYC.  Now we are not sure if we will be able to travel there next week or not.  Time will tell - I'm trying not to worry about it, and just focus on the task at hand.

Ironman Florida - it really is beautiful here....

Three generation picture on Panama Beach - it doesn't get any better than this!!
Emma (16), with her mother Patricia - aka me - (40), and my mother LaVern (68)  

I finally did my swim tonight. . .  like I said - it is windy today and the ocean is showing it!  I swam to a buoy out there - and I just didn't even think about it.  I am finding that it is easier to not even 'think about it'.  Just go and do it.

Here is a picture of Mary and I after my first ocean swim.  I did it!!  I didn't even freak out too much about sharks . . .

Mary and Mom @ Panama City Beach

The Sunset was absolutely beautiful, I can't believe that I was swimming in the ocean at sunset - I have to say it is a dream come true!  I didn't see any sharks, or jellyfish, only the bubbles from my hand pushing through the water.  I would think "what was that?  Oh, just my hand."  Then a few minutes later I would think,  "what was that?  Oh, just my hand". . . . .

I can be quick to forget.

Here are some pictures so I can hopefully REMEMBER how this felt today.
Oh those waves were strong - but I powered through them.
The waves knocked my goggles off once - but I miraculously found them!!

If you look really closely to the left of the yellow buoy -
you will see both my hands raised in victory that I made it!!

My ocean swim at sunset on Panama Beach Florida
Just 3 nights away from starting Ironman Florida 2012

Monday, October 29, 2012

5 days till IRONMAN - loving every wonderful, horrible minute of this.

We believe in long Sunday (for me Saturday) runs.  We believe in tempo runs and fartleks.  We believe joggers are runners.  We believe in cross-country.  We believe in big marathons.  We believe in fun runs and jingle jogs.  We believe running is therapy.  We believe your personal best isn't always a PR.  We believe running in the dark, in the cold, in the heat, in the humidity, in the rain and in the snow is part of the deal.  We believe in skipping a day.  We believe there is a correlation between inspiration and perspiration.  We believe there is no finish line.  

This came from a website that I follow called I <3 to run (aka I love to run).  I felt this picture and thought were VERY appropriate as I DO believe in all these things, and every minute right now is wonderful and horrible.  Confusing feelings - I know - I am feeling them.

Especially today I am feeling these wonderful horrible feelings. . . . as we are on the last leg of our train trip, I am feeling like I am losing my grasp on the safety of it all being so far away (distance and time) . . . . as I type we are only 3 hours away from New Orleans, and then 5 hours away from Panama City, Florida . . . 5 days till Ironnman

oh reality - you are freaking me out!

Sunday, October 28, 2012

6 days till IRONMAN - Let's DO this thing!

So today is my official rest day. . . . (although I think with travel - I get tomorrow off too, but officially, this is my last Sunday to process, dissect, think about, get my head around 'what I did last week'  - then plan, process, dissect, think about, get my head around 'what I need to do this week.'  

I decided I am just going to take this week - one day at a time, cause I get a bit overwhelmed when I think about what I need to do THIS week.  So today - 6 days before Ironman - all I need to do is 

ride the train
eat properly
drink my water
wash my hands
keep healthy
remind myself what I have done - just one step, one day at a time.
remind myself that I can do this
remind myself that I am ready physically, mentally, and spiritually.

the words that keep going through my head at weird times are these:


Not sure what I am going to do with myself next Sunday. . . . . just REST I guess.  I'll think about that -next week.

Duane, Emma and I were having a discussion today about 'free agency', and how many times, people get confused and think that free agency is the power to choose.  But really, we all have the power to choose, what it really means is that depending on what choices we make - we either become free or not. . .  

I liken that to the lifestyle choice that I have made, to eat healthy, to exercise regularly, to push myself, to improve myself - the choices that I make every day have made me free - and now I am free to do what I want -  to do an Ironman. . . . 

I am really enjoying where I am at physically, mentally, and spiritually, and I need to remember - it is because of all the little choices I have made in the last 5 years that have brought me to this place - and I can stay here by making similar choices.

I am free and able to do whatever I want to do  - even IRONMAN!


Today was a big traveling day - we rode the train all day - thank heavens I got a sleeper car.  Duane had a nap in it this morning and I had a nap this afternoon.  The train was 3.5 hours late, so we didn't get to go into Chicago for pizza, we got off the train at 7:55 - walked VERY quickly to the station, then to a train that turned out to be the wrong train, so back to the station, and then to the right train, just in time for the train to leave the station - phew!  We even saw our luggage and my bike on a baggage car. . . . we are just hoping that it made it onto the new train in time too!  


Saturday, October 27, 2012

1 week till IRONMAN - ready like a horse race!

I am getting excited to be with so many of 'my people'.  Really excited.

The adrenaline is already pumping through my veins - when I do my little workouts these days ( now that I am 'tapering'). . . . . . I feel like a horse at the gate - rearing up . . . . ready to BOLT!

Then 9pm rolls around - and I am exhausted!!!

What a natural high I am having -  I AM LOVING THIS!

"Only those who will risk going too far 
can possibly find out how far one can go." 
- T.S. Eliot

So I have been reading the book "One Gear, No Brakes" by Lori Ann Muenzer.

I can relate to a lot that she is talking about here in chapter 7.

"mental training consists of running an ideal race, from pre-race prep to post-event warm down, in your head.

He keeps me on the edge of exhaustion.  Not enough stress means not enough improvement.  Too much leads to breakdown.

This training is to control your emotions both in training and racing.  A race is won before you're anywhere near the race itself.  You must believe you can win before you win."

So I went to sleep tonight 'visualizing' my race. . . . hmm . . .when you fall asleep in the middle of 'visualizing', you have really weird dreams about the race.  I had a weird one last night. . . . didn't know which way to go on the run, then I lost my shoes - I guess I took a break and took my shoes off - very confusing. . . my sister was there, and she was done - she had started earlier than I had, I guess you could start whenever you wanted to.  It was a weird dream.  I learned from this dream that:
1.  I need to visualized while I am awake so that I can control my thoughts
2.  I need know the race route, as to take the fear out of the unknown.
3.  Call Carrie and wish her well on her 1/2 Marathon that she is doing the same day as my Ironman.

So - I am sitting on the train, 9pm, somewhere in the dark, in North Dakota.  When I wake up I will be in St. Paul Minneapolis.  I really love traveling by train . . . it forces us all to slow down and relax.  No where to go, and I enjoy the clickety clack . . . . it will be a great sound to fall asleep to.

So getting ready to go on this trip just about 'did me in'.  Wow - packing and thinking about what we might need in so many different climates, and purposes, and traveling, and food, and snacks for the kids, and 'my dietary needs', and workouts, and recovery, and sightseeing - and packing - - - - oh I hate packing, and lists, so many lists - 7 people for 24 days - who does this?!?! . . . . . but we did it, we made it - we are on the train, and there is nothing we can do about anything.  Even as I type, the train is stopped, trying to fix something. . . . so I think I am just going to 'go to bed' - and hopefully when I wake up, they fixed the problem and we are back on track ( ha ha).

In our room when we got here today were these cute little chocolates with the perfect message.  I need to remember the advice I give to everyone else, 

I have trained for this, I have done the hard work, now is the time to 'have fun'.  Enjoy the journey.

Saturday, October 20, 2012

2 weeks till IRONMAN - I did change and I did find myself

So I have been thinking about this picture a lot lately.

I didn't change, I just found myself. . . .

I'm not sure how I feel about this statement. . .

I think one of the reasons I signed up to do Ironman was because I really wanted to change.  To do something so hard that it would cement the changes that I have made in the last year - actually in the last 5 years.  I want this change.

During the last year, I think that I HAVE changed. . . . truly changed.  I also believe that in that change I have also found myself.  So I think I have done both - change and find myself.

I am hoping that I have paid the price, that I have worked hard enough that the change is permanent.  One of the greatest fears that I often have is that I may become part of the 95% of those who gain their weight back.

I hope and pray that this change sticks. . . .

Many nights I climb into bed after a hard day and sigh under my breath - "I love my life".  I really do.

Here is a great Bruce Lee story about change. . . . .

Bruce had me up to three miles a day, really at a good pace.  We'd run the three miles in twenty-one or twenty-two minutes.  Just under eight minutes a mile (Note: when running on his own in 1968, Lee would get his time down to six-and-a half minutes per mile).

So this morning he said to me "We're going to go five."  I said, "Bruce, I can't go five.  I'm a helluva lot older than you are, and I can't do five."  He said "When we get to three, we'll shift gears and it's only two more and you'll do it."  I said "Okay, I'll go for it."

So we get to three, we go into the fourth mile and I'm okay for three or four minutes, and then I really begin to give out.  I'm tired, my heart's pounding, I can't go any more and so I say to him, "Bruce if I run any more," - and we're still running -"if I run any more I'm liable to have a heart attack and die."

He said, "Then die."  It made me so mad that I went the full five miles.  Afterward I went to the shower and then I wanted to talk to him about it.  I said, you know, "Why did you say that?"

He said, "Because you might as well be dead.  Seriously, if you always put limits on what you can do, physical or anything else, it'll spread over into the rest of your life.  It'll spread into your work, into your morality, into your entire being.

There are no limits.

There are plateaus, but you must not stay there, you must go beyond them.

(From the Art of Expressing The Human Body)

So doing Ironman is not about finding my limits, it is about going beyond my plateaus. . . .

Saturday, October 13, 2012

3 weeks till IRONMAN - I have, I can, I will

I learned while doing my brick on Thanksgiving Monday running in the gloomy rain . . . .

I HAVE done this before
I CAN do this again
I WILL do this now!

I said it over and over until I believed it. ( it took me 20 minutes to figure it out, and I repeated it for another 10 = a great run in the rain!)

This week felt completely insane - I was double booked almost every day ( which I HATE, because I am always disappointing someone - and the thought of that long list of things to do exhausts me, as well, I make EVERYTHING bigger than it is, everytime. . . . so that list this past week was completely impossible in my mind. . . AND, when I don't get everything done on that list, I am a failure. . .

What a mess!

Needless to say, through the challenges of the week: weather, time, and having a life, I got all my workouts in!


Tuesday was a huge day - I did Tuesday's workout and Wednesday's workout all in one day, as Wednesday was the XC Zone Meet in Medicine Hat.

Wednesday on a bus for 6 hours and and a XC meet in the cold rain and snow, but we still had a GREAT day!  We now have 6 kids going to provincials on the 20th.

Thursday was my go to Lethbridge day and swim - I love Thursdays.

Friday I rode 100 miles!  I started at 9:30am and rode towards Calgary - ya, you heard me right, Calgary.  I was having a GREAT ride, and then I took the off ramp at Fort Macleod and was BLASTED by a horrendous wind!  There was actually a sign there that said "CAUTION - extreme wind gusts next 36km".



My ride slowed down, and I trudged through the wind.  Despised the 'oversized semi's carrying giant truck parts, or tractors' who blew by me, and I would flutter like a leaf as they passed so close - afraid I was going to fly into the ditch every time.  When the giant trucks carrying cattle would drive by and spew stinky wetness on me - I was sooo grossed out. . . . but I continued on.  Just before Nanton, I turned around to get my final 12 miles completed with a tail wind - AHH.  That was SO much better.

I did it!  I made it!  100 miles.  I feel like I am 'in the club' now. . . funny thing . . .

a lovely autumn day for a long bike ride.....

7 hours of this kind of view. . . . .  

I think Florida will be a little bit easier than today because

1.  it will NOT  have signs stating the painfully obvious truth  "Caution - extreme wind gusts"
2.  it will NOT  have 50 miles of headwinds, and 40 miles of cross winds
3.  it will have more easily accessible aid stations - I shouldn't have to go into a truck stop and buy water or use the bathroom...
4.  I am no longer intimidated by the 112 mile bike ride.  YAY!
5.  I found the type of shorts I need to ride in. . . . . no shammy, no seams = much more COMFORT

Duane picked me up at the 100 mile point and we headed up to Calgary for the Temple Open House.  When we got there, I threw a top and skirt on right over my biking clothes - literally.  When we got home at 1am, I still had my heart rate monitor on.  Funny.  Saturday morning was coming fast . . .

I headed out for my 10 mile run at 7am with my "run like a mother" group.  We ran 3 mile together and - kept a great pace, but when we finished, I realized I forgot to start my 'garmin'.  I headed out for my last 7 miles, and found it REALLY hard!  The wind had picked up, and I was running into a headwind (sound kind of familiar?)  I felt like I needed to walk almost every 1/2 mile!  I was really struggling.  I finally turned around and started heading back when I got a weird pain in my left ankle - I would stretch it, and run again, PAIN,  stretch and run, PAIN, stretch and walk, then run, then. . . PAIN.  I ended up walking almost the last 2 miles of my run.  That was frustrating.  I hope that a day of rest will be all I need. . . . .

I still haven't figured out what the pain was - it seems to be gone now. . . it was like I needed to 'crack' my ankle. . . I hope I don't get that again. . . . I will have to ask Erin about that one. . .

till then I am going to enjoy my Sunday 'rest day'......

and then I need to remember. . .

You were strong enough to get this far, 
You are strong enough to keep going...

Saturday, October 6, 2012

4 weeks till IRONMAN - Just for today!

Only 4 weeks till the big day!

Only 3 weeks till the train leaves!

Only 2 weeks of hard training left!

Only 1 week to worry about just today.

That is right - I just need to worry about this week - or really just TODAY.

With only 4 weeks left till I am swimming in the ocean at the start line of Ironman Florida, I am having a tendency to get a little overwhelmed (ok, a LOT overwhelmed), and so, it reminds me of this poem:

Just for today: I will try to live through this day only, and not tackle all my problems at once. I can do something for twelve hours that would appall me if I felt that I had to keep it up for a lifetime.

Just for today: I will be happy
This assumes to be true what Abraham Lincoln said, "Most folks are as happy as they make up their minds to be."

Just for today: I will adjust myself to what is, and not try to adjust everything to my own desires. I will take my "luck" as it comes, and fit myself into it.

Just for today: I will try to strengthen my mind. 
I will study. I will not be a mental loafer. I will read something that requires effort, thought and concentration.

Just for today: I will exercise my soul in three ways: 
I will do somebody a good turn and not get found out; if anybody knows of it, it
will not count. I will do at least two things I don't want to do-- just for exercise. I will not show anyone that my feelings are hurt: they may be hurt but today I will not show it.

Just for today: I will be agreeable
I will look as well as I can, dress becomingly, keep my voice low,be courteous,criticize not one bit. I won't find fault with anything, nor try to improve or regulate anybody else but myself.

Just for today: I will have a program.
I may not follow it exactly, but I will have it. I will save myself from two pests: Hurry and Indecision.

Just for today: I will have a quiet half hour all by myself, and relax. 
During this half hour, sometime I will try to get a better perspective of my life.

Just for today: I will be un-afraid.
Especially I will not be afraid to enjoy what is beautiful,and to believe that as I give to the world, so the world will give back to me. 

I hope that I will continue to remember the lessons that this poem teaches me.  I just need to stay in the moment of TODAY.

I will get to the start line of Ironman in just 28 days - just focussing on TODAY.

It has been a challenge this week as the weather turned cold and SNOWY!  We had quite a blizzard in Cardston on Tuesday night, and even today, Saturday - there is still snow around!  Sheesh!

I tried to go and do my 6.5 hour bike ride on Friday - I got to Magrath, I rode through snow, rain, wind - and it was only +5 degrees celcius.  That is too cold to ride a bike - So Duane came and picked me up, I got a hot chocolate at the store in Magrath and I went home and rode a couple more hours on my trainer - not near 6.5 hours - but it is going to have to do.  (How is that for 'telling myself' that every workout doesn't have to be perfect!)  I am kind of proud of myself - and I am moving on.  I will have to try to find a bit of a warmer day in the next 2 weeks to get my 7 hour bike ride in. . . . it will work out.  That is my new easygoing, flexible attitude. - we will see how long it lasts ( ha ha)

Saturday I stuck with my plan and did my 10 mile run - all is well.  Only 1 person came and ran with me at 'run like a mother'.  We also got our run done before it started raining - which is always nice.  I am really glad that she came - it helps me so much to run a portion of my long run with someone.  I don't think they know how much it helps me, in fact, I had no idea how much it helps me until my last few runs.  I think because I do so much training on my own, of which I don't mind, but it is a nice change of pace and scenery to feel like I am not alone in this.  So thank you 'run like a mother' girls.

It is Thanksgiving weekend, and I am SO thankful for SO many things!

my health
my ability to exercise
my opportunity to train for ironman
my family and how they support me
my home
our community
the opportunity that we all have to change
the beauty of nature and the world around me
'run like a mother' group
my faith

I could keep going on this list, but I really should get focused on TODAY!