I am learning that most of my friends and family are . . . curious. . . . about WHY I am doing an IRONMAN (2012). . . . . again (2014). . . . . I'm sure some days I will have the same questions, so here is an honest look into who I am - what is motivating me, what my goals are, and how I get from HERE to IRONMAN in 52 weeks . . . enjoy the ride!

Monday, October 29, 2012

5 days till IRONMAN - loving every wonderful, horrible minute of this.

We believe in long Sunday (for me Saturday) runs.  We believe in tempo runs and fartleks.  We believe joggers are runners.  We believe in cross-country.  We believe in big marathons.  We believe in fun runs and jingle jogs.  We believe running is therapy.  We believe your personal best isn't always a PR.  We believe running in the dark, in the cold, in the heat, in the humidity, in the rain and in the snow is part of the deal.  We believe in skipping a day.  We believe there is a correlation between inspiration and perspiration.  We believe there is no finish line.  

This came from a website that I follow called I <3 to run (aka I love to run).  I felt this picture and thought were VERY appropriate as I DO believe in all these things, and every minute right now is wonderful and horrible.  Confusing feelings - I know - I am feeling them.

Especially today I am feeling these wonderful horrible feelings. . . . as we are on the last leg of our train trip, I am feeling like I am losing my grasp on the safety of it all being so far away (distance and time) . . . . as I type we are only 3 hours away from New Orleans, and then 5 hours away from Panama City, Florida . . . 5 days till Ironnman

oh reality - you are freaking me out!


  1. I just wanted to say "THANK YOU"! Thank you for sharing every leg of your journey with us! It has been awesome to hear of your ups and downs, your push days and your rest days. It has been amazing to get a little insight into what is beautiful, crazy, you! Thank you for being an insipration to all of us that think "I could never do anything like that". Thank you for showing us that is possible and within our reach if we can set our minds to it! You will never be alone on your long trek to complete your Ironman- you have hundreds of people hoping, wishing, and praying for your success. Thank you for sharing and thank you for being the person that we love! Ironman, watch out, you won't know what hit ya!

    1. Thank you Gen - I needed to hear this today - I was doubting myself again. . . . ugh - get thee hence doubt and fear!

  2. You have such an amazing power of thought! You will put it behind you and not look back! Keep going! Keep pushing! You will do this thing!!!
