I am learning that most of my friends and family are . . . curious. . . . about WHY I am doing an IRONMAN (2012). . . . . again (2014). . . . . I'm sure some days I will have the same questions, so here is an honest look into who I am - what is motivating me, what my goals are, and how I get from HERE to IRONMAN in 52 weeks . . . enjoy the ride!

Thursday, November 1, 2012

2 days till IRONMAN - race bags ready

Packing AGAIN!  Oh how I get so worked up about packing - 5 race bags - seriously??!?!

Some of the items in my race bags are just a given, but other things - like the 'special needs bike bag' and the 'special needs run bag' - that I might get back, and I might NOT get back, I have to guess what I might be feeling at that point, and what I might want in the bag to help combat a sore stomach or being too cold, or maybe too hot, or sore, or hungry, or . . . . this is a recipe for disaster!  Yikes!

I went for a 20 minute swim today in the ocean - the waves were still pretty big, but I felt like I got a little more rhythm out there, and it felt good.

We had the athlete's dinner and race meeting tonight.  Duane got a ticket and came with me which was good.  The meal was a carb loading dinner - which for someone who is super careful about gluten - it is a bit of a joke.  Pasta Salad, vegetarian lasagna, cooked beans, salad, linguini, chicken and marinara sauce, buns, butter, cookies, brownies, pudding, bananas, apples and oranges.  I am glad I had a green smoothie late in the afternoon.

They wanted to know who had lost more than 50 pounds on their journey to ironman - Duane made me stand up, then they wanted to know 75 pounds - he wouldn't let me sit down, followed by the question of 80, 90, 100, 110, 120, 125 - there were just 2 of us left and he called us to the stage to tell our short story.  I was completely out of my comfort zone - I thought I might throw up.  I just made 2000 new friends.  So many high 5's and congratulations the rest of the night.  He asked what I had learned that I didn't know before - I replied with something like " that anything is possible, and that I wanted to change the future for my family, and now we are here - and that we are all in this together".  At least that is how I remember it - maybe I said something completely different.  I don't know.

I will have to add some pictures later - maybe tomorrow - I have got to go to bed - that was an exhausting day for me!  I am an introvert you know!  Sigh.

1 comment:

  1. Wow, for an introvert, it must have been quite a night!! ;0) Your post today made me cry. I am so proud of the changes you have made in your life and how you are taking the whole family with you! You have such unwaivering determination and focus in accomplishing this life goal! It reminds me of the saying "fail forward to success". Even in tough "failing" moments, you have made the best out of them, made them something to learn from and made tomorrow even better because of it!
    What an example you are to not only us, but now 2000 other people in the world know how amazing you are!! Know that you are in our thoughts and prayers today as you prepare for tomorrow. Is there a website that will be doing any streaming or updates?
    Just remember "To give anything less than your best is to sacrifice the gift" .
    You will Rock this!!!!
