I am learning that most of my friends and family are . . . curious. . . . about WHY I am doing an IRONMAN (2012). . . . . again (2014). . . . . I'm sure some days I will have the same questions, so here is an honest look into who I am - what is motivating me, what my goals are, and how I get from HERE to IRONMAN in 52 weeks . . . enjoy the ride!

Saturday, December 31, 2011

44 weeks till IRONMAN - First ocean swim

With only 44 weeks left till Ironman, it is the last day of 2011.  I have to say, 2012 has a whole new meaning to me now as well as a whole new pressure. . . . it actually gives 'new years resolution' a whole new angle. . . . . I'm finding it hard to breathe very deeply right now.  . . .

So my training this week has been ALOT of fun - and a few 'first time' experiences.

First time running on the beach. Emma and I met @7am for "run like a mother".  But we ran along the boardwalk, and then along the beach in the fog. . . until we started to find some really cool treasures along the shore . . . some things we found - 5 whole sand dollars, a starfish, a crane the size of Clara, a tiny little crab, a man fishing along the shore with his poles stuck in the sand, an awesome sandcastle . . . and at the end of our run, we were dripping wet from the fog - there were little droplets on the hairs on our faces - it was wild!  I was sad that our camera stopped working - oh well, it was still the perfect way to end 2011!  

Interesting Tidbit - we are staying on Padre Island in Texas.  The beach here is on the Gulf of Mexico. . . . . Ironman Florida swim takes place in. . .  the Gulf of Mexico - different state, same ocean - cool hey?

So, a little about my first ocean swim yesterday.  The Gulf of Mexico is REALLY salty.  I got into the wetsuit, which I haven't worn since the Pumpkinman in 2010 - weird...  I was a bit nervous - which confused me because I love to swim.  I kept thinking what would I be feeling if I actually had a phobia of the water??!?!  Sheesh....  but I do have a phobia of sea life .. . . mainly sharks, or really big fish  . . . hmmm that is real. . . .So, as you may be able to see from the pictures, it was foggy - so it was hard to spot.  I kept turning around to make sure I could see Duane and/or the hotel.  So I would swim and swim, and turn around - and I didn't feel like I was getting anywhere because I could still touch the ground...so I would go again . . . .repeat. . . and then - oh la la - I can't touch the floor - once I couldn't touch the ground, or see what was under my feet - my shark phobia became a little overwhelming - I knew it was ridiculous, but it was real . . . very real . .. so I started swimming back in.  Then I swam to the side, but I really couldn't see Duane very well, and I was nervous about getting lost - crazy I know - I think that stems back to when I got lost in the snow at the campground last Christmas - I hate getting lost, so I layed on my back which kept my feet from being down where the sharks live, and I let the tide pull me back toward the land - I tried to relax....then I rode side to side, and then I headed back in again. . . . Wow - that was kind of scarey. . .. . OK, I better try that again . . . .so out I went again. . . . it was a bit better, but wow - I am going to have to process those feelings for a while. .. . .once again - - - I really think the most important work I am going to have to do for this race is mental mental mental!

So those were the feelings I was having out in what felt like the middle of the ocean - all by myself - -

Oh, I have a LOT of mental work to do - Sheesh!

Getting ready for my first real swim in the ocean

the look on my face = a little nervous about . . . . . sharks

Trying to convince myself that I am invincible . . . . 

Just going for it - but turning around to make sure I can see . . . . anything!
The fog is a bit nerve racking
OK, really nerve racking - cause I don't know where I am - thank goodness there is a tide!

Saturday, December 24, 2011

45 weeks till IRONMAN - Christmas in Arizona

It is Christmas Eve and I am in Page Arizona - we have spent 2 days driving and it definitely does NOT feel like have done enough 'training' but I am trying desperately to give myself a Christmas break.  Not sure why that is so hard for me, but it is...  It's actually not hard to give myself a break, but is is hard for me to not feel guilty about it.. . . . sheesh

We have just started our Christmas break, and we are having a great time - not sure if I am going to relax, but we will have a lot of FUN for sure!

Duane put a new book on his ipad.  It is titled "You are an IRONMAN".  It tells the stories of 4 or 5 different people getting ready for Ironman Arizona, which seems appropriate since I am now in Arizona for Christmas.

My 'training' today was running across the Glen Canyon Dam bridge in Page with Kate (4 years old)  and listening to Kate really laugh as we ran and she told me she was a runner.  Walking through the Antelope Canyon with the family and getting REALLY COLD TOES, and meandering around Horseshoe Bend, looking for rocks and treasures.

Here are some pictures from week 45 training day.

Antelope Canyon

Horseshoe Bend

Glen Canyon Dam

Saturday, December 17, 2011

46 weeks till IRONMAN - the best triathlon deal around!

Only 1 week till Christmas. . .  2 weeks till the New Year. . .  46 weeks till Ironman. . . . .

I am almost ready for Christmas.  I don't have to do anything to get ready for the New Year (except be mentally ready to start running . . . a lot. . .  for the 1200mile club). . . and Ironman. . . well . . . I am glad there are still 46 weeks left!

Oh, I got some REALLY great news about Ironman this week.  Since we decided to go down to Arizona for Christmas, Duane has put in a few calls to trainers, bike fitters, coaches, stores, all along our path from here to Utah, Arizona, and I don't know where else - maybe Mexico?  Ha Ha!  We have learned a few things:

1.  Lots of people don't call or e-mail back.
2.  The Gulf of Mexico Ocean is tame compared to California (the only ocean I have ever swam in)
3.  Wetsuits are cheap in Tuscon Arizona
4.  I have to take my bike to Arizona to get a true fit . . . . we aren't taking my bike to Arizona.
5.  The best reply came from Lethbridge - ya, you heard me right. . . the most attentive and exciting phone call that we have had is from someone here in Southern Alberta.  Bruce @ Fit Physiotherapy has a triathlon package where they fit my bike and do a gait analysis for my run and the best part is that I think we can get covered by our benefits under physiotherapy ( you are saying what??  I know - but truly!)  Awesome news!
6.  Now I am so excited to come back to Alberta after our Christmas Holiday - - - I really was trying to find some way to stay in the Arizona sun and heat, but now I am willing to come back so I can go for my appointment with Bruce and Erin and get my training plan too!


Saturday, December 10, 2011

47 weeks till IRONMAN - she who thinks she can!

I think the quote that inspired me the most in this video was

Life's battles don't always go to 
the stronger or faster man.  
Sooner or later the man who wins 
is the man who thinks he can.
     -Vince Lombardi

Self talk is where it is at - I have no question. . . .

oh, I also loved: (all of it actually - but here are some quotes that I want to remember)

"if people can't do something themselves, they want to tell you - you can't do it"
"you want something, go get it, period."
"great moments are born from great opportunity, and that's what you have here, what you earned here."
"I'm so bad I make medicine sick!"
"The world ain't all sunshine and rainbows, it's a very mean and nasty place and I don't care how tough you are, it will beat you to your knees, and keep you there permanently if you let it.  You, me or nobody is gonna hit as hard as life, but it ain't about how hard you hit, it's about how hard you can get hit and keep moving forward, how much you can take and keep moving forward.  That's how winning is done!  Now if you know what you're worth go out and get what you're worth.  But you gotta be willing to take the hits and not pointing fingers saying you ain't where you want to be cause of him or her or anybody.  Cowards do that and that ain't you, you're better than that."

I need to show ME how great I am.

It has been a good week for training.

Bike -  I got on my bike trainer 3 times this week.  I think that is more than in the last 2 years put together!  I'm not sure why the change - maybe because I am feeling a bit of pressure by signing up for the IRONMAN????  Ha Ha (nervous laughter) . . .  Amazing what a goal can do....  I enjoyed just spinning.  3 - 30 minute sessions.  It felt good, and by the end of the week, my legs are already feeling stronger...

Run - Running was good as well - Tuesday and Thursday I did my intervals - which I love, I hate, I love, I hate - truly a mixed up relationship with running!  At run like a mother today, I ran the 5K loop twice - giving me 10K - yeah!  It felt good until the last km or so - my toes were giving me GREAT pain. . . so I took off my shoes and ran in my socks, with my runners on my hands, all the way down the path only main street and back to the pool.  I only got a few 'funny looks' from passerby's.  (shrug)  I was very grateful to the person who keeps the path clear of snow and ice in the winter. . . it made it a lovely end to my run - and my toes stopped hurting. . . hmmm. . . I think I might have to do this marathon in my Vibrams??  Is that what this means?  Hmmmm.  I don't know, I don't know. . .

Swim - sadly, no swimming this week. . . . I am looking forward to getting into a regular routine in the new year....  I do love the swim - my happy place.... I guess I will count my weight training as swimming?  Well, I will this week, since I live in a tiny town with no indoor pool, and it is coming on Christmas, and my swimming babysitter is still on her well deserved holiday. . . hope she is ready for her weekly commitment in the new year too. . . ha ha ha (nervous laughter again. . . )

Nutrition - I had a bit of an epiphany about my 'nutrition'.  After meeting my weight goal last week, I had a moment of realization (of which I already knew, but it became a little more clear in that moment) that food is just food.  It is not love, or companionship, or relaxation, or stress relief, or a party, or __________, or _________, it is just food.

On that note - exercise is just exercise - I sometimes like to beat myself up with more exercise because of my food choices, and I realized that more exercise just makes me stronger, which is a good thing, but it doesn't take away my poor food choices. . .

so exercise is just exercise

and food is just food

Now that those two things are separated in my mind - when I make poor food choices, I will change that behavior with better food choices.  When I make poor exercise choices, I will just make better exercise choices.  Just like eating less will not make me stronger, exercising more will not take away my addiction to food...

Now I know that food and exercise are still connected to overall health - but for my brain this week, I had to separate the two.... I am not sure if that made any sense to you - - but that's the way my brain processed this information this week.

I found this quote this week. . . thought it was appropriate to my epiphany.

Do not reward 
yourself with food, 

You're NOT a dog!

I signed up for Ironstruck this week, and this was in one of the e-mails that came - I thought it was inspiring.  Another reason I am doing Ironman Florida!

"A challenging journey is not without risks.
 Often we feel we can go no further, we can do no more, and that one more step is impossible.

In that one moment we face the abyss, the ultimate challenge of mind, body, and spirit and discover an inner strength we never knew existed and in a glorious revelation realize that our lives have changed forever."

Saturday, December 3, 2011

48 weeks till IRONMAN - Bad Listener

Anything else you want to tell me??  I love that line - what a great video.  So, I had some goals for November - and they are coming along . . . . Read the book "Going Long" well, I'm not done, and although I'm still working on it -  I have a feeling that I will probably be reading it for the next 5-6 months, there is a LOT of information in this book that is amazing - I found this quote that I loved!

"We each have the ability to achieve success beyond our wildest dreams.

This means a dedication to fundamentals - nutrition, skills, endurance, and flexibility.  The lifestyle of a committed athlete is not for everyone.  There must be a deep joy associated with this path and an understanding that hard work is what leads to a  payoff.  The notion of "hard work" is nearly always misunderstood in this context.  The underlying philosophy of this book is that successful athletes are those who equate "hard work" with "focused play."

We can all become excellent athletes - but whether we become the best athlete (or person) that we can be is determined by whether it is fun for us to do what it takes." - Going Long - pg. 21

I know that I have not started the hard stuff yet - but so far. . . this is FUN for me!  I ran 10k again yesterday, and it felt so good!  It feels so good to go that distance. I had forgot how much I love it.  I actually ran 2 loops at 'run like a mother'.  Once with the other mothers, and once by myself - it was nice -  both times.. . . I love running with friends, and I love running by myself. . . I guess I got the best of both worlds yesterday.  Lucky me.

I reached my weight goal this month - success - that feels good.  I lost 5lbs...  now to keep it off for the month of December - - - oh ya.... I just need to remember the little fact that. . . . .  "I like a challenge!"

and the one that really worked for me this week is this quote:

So my December Goals:

1.  Stay the same weight for the month of December.
2.  Finish reading the book 'Go Long'
3.  Make a decision about a coach.
4.  Have fun running and swimming in Arizona!
5.  Keep running and get on that bike trainer!
6.  Work on figuring out my GARMIN. . . . sigh

Saturday, November 26, 2011

49 weeks till IRONMAN - the big secret

So this week I got serious about my weight goal - this has been a hard one for me - - - -but I had a lucky break this week when Linda, my lifestyle nurse,  said to me ....." you like a challenge right?" Do I like a challenge - who are you talking to?  I just signed up for an IRONMAN for heaven sakes!  "Just do this for 1 week"  Oh, I can do anything for 1 week - probably 2 weeks actually!  " I promise you will lose weight"  Nice!  "This is not extreme"  OK  "This is healthy"

OK - I am in - you actually had me at "you like a challenge don't you??"

So here is my meal plan this last week

Breakfast: grain, protein, fat, fruit 
Morning snack : vegetable and fruit
Lunch: protein, grain, 2 vegetables
Afternoon snack: dairy, fruit, vegetable
Dinner: Protein, 2 vegetables
Evening Snack: (optional) 100 calories of anything you want - but if you lose control (eat more than 100 calories) it becomes a danger food - you can't have again that for the rest of the week.

grain must be whole grain
balance 3 healthy fats into each day
no potatoes
no bananas ( WHAT? - it's only for 1 week she keeps telling me!)
no refined foods
be careful with soft nuts, it is too easy to eat too many

Remember:  Willpower is the lack of hunger

After  1 day, relieved I made it one day, after 2 days, I felt good, more in control. . . . After 3 days I noticed that I woke up in the morning with energy ( NICE!)  After 4 days, I wanted to step on the scale to see if there was any progress, but scared to death that if I stood on and didn't see any progress, I would be mad 'cause I am working SO hard . . .  so I didn't step on. . . just kept at it!
So after 1 week, I lost 3lbs and I survived my craving time of the month!!  Yeah!  Now to keep it steady and keep it off.  2 more pounds to reach my November goal of a 5lb weight loss.....I have been rollercoastering with my weight for the last 7 months (hard to believe it has been that long!)
I decided to do this menu plan for 1 more week, cause Linda said that I can....and it is not really very different from my last plan. . . .  then I will return to my regular lifestyle menu plan that I have been doing for the last 4 years!  I can't believe it has been that long...... oh how life has changed in only 4 years.....

Here are a couple of pictures to remind me of where I have come from - and where I am going.....

Great Wall of China - November 2006
3 months before starting the lifestyles program

Waterton - April 2011
2 months after liver surgery

The big secret in life is that
there is no big secret.
Whatever your goal, you can
get there if you're willing to work.
- Oprah Winfrey

Missoula StayBridge Suites - September 2008
1st time @ Garden City Triathlon 

I went for a run with Megan (my ironman training partner) on Friday . . . and it was good - I was really nervous about it.  Why you ask?  Because this is the garbage that I was letting into my head....."she is a runner, and maybe she will see that I am a fraud, and can't run, so I really can't do this, and shouldn't have signed up, and who am I kidding?"

Ya, I still have those thoughts.....  sad hey...... I have a bunch of mental work to do too.....

See you in a month Megan - we will do it again - I loved that I ran 10k - with a bit more walking than I would like to do, but it was the first time I ran that distance since before my surgery.....it has been MONTHS (feels like years, but I know that it hasn't been THAT long).  It felt great.  Really great.  

You were born for this day 
the time is here and the time is now.

You will be an Ironman

Saturday, November 19, 2011

50 weeks till IRONMAN - use up all your weak

So In Cardston, Alberta, Canada (my hometown) today (November 19, 2011) It was cold and snowy ---and I wondered if I should cancel my 'run like a mother' running group. . . I decided to NOT cancel - knowing full well that I might be the only one show up today (with my daughter of course, because she is crazier about running than me - believe it or not!) 

Why did I need to run today in the cold and snow - why not just run on the treadmill?

Well, it was mostly a mental battle that I had this morning with myself. I used the strategy of having all my clothes layed out the night before, so I was ready physically, but emotionally, I kept thinking "it's too cold", "you don't have to prove anything to anyone" - ahhh but I have to prove to myself that when I think it is too _____________(insert excuse here), that I will do it anyways. . . and so today - I did! Was it worth it? Completely! It was actually an absolutely beautiful morning - my facebook status today was this:

It was a beautiful crisp morning with NO wind, the sun just coming up and the quiet crunch of the snow beneath my runners ( with new spikes for safety - which worked AWESOME by the way) wore 4 layers on top, 2 layers on hands, 2 layers on legs, toe socks regular runners( no vibrams today!) - and my bank robber touque - I was quite a sight I am sure with my icy eyelashes- but I had a marvelous time @ 'Run like a Mother'. Oh Canada - I have no idea what the temperature was - but my running garb worked for the weather today... sorry you missed the moment today....

Nobody Else's Footsteps Lead Exactly Where You're Going
- Author Unknown

I love quotes that are not necessarily meant for running but totally hit the spot. Even though you may be running the same race, on the same day, to the SAME finish line, YOUR experience will not be the same as anyone else.

Watch this short clip and listen for my favorite quote of all time. . . . . I am sure that it will be one that I will need to pull out and use many a day in the next year as I use up all my weak getting ready to be strong for my IRONMAN!

Maybe strong is just what you have left 
when you've used up all your weak!
- Saucony clip "What is strong"

Saturday, November 12, 2011

51 weeks till IRONMAN - For Real


I really am signed up and paid (once you've paid there is no turning back) for Florida Ironman 2012.

What should I be feeling?
My mom asked how I was feeling this week, and I told her I had lots of feelings. . . ranging from excitement, fear, unsurity, fateful, tired, thrilled, hopeful etc etc. . . but most of all - I feel ready to 'get at it'.  Truly - I want to get a plan and get after it.  Attack it with all that I have (with a few naps interspersed of course).

I realized my cycle to cope with stress on the day that I signed up for Ironman.  I was nervous, and I wanted to eat, but I was fasting (as it was Fast Sunday) so I couldn't do that, then I wanted to sleep, but I couldn't do that either, wanted to go for a run, but couldn't really do that either, so I started cleaning (vacuuming, tidying and vacuuming)  which was good because we were having family over for dinner later that day and the house needed it . . . . interesting coping skills..... eat, sleep, run, clean. . . I need to remember to skip to #3 and #4 as often as possible. . . . .

Here is a picture of me the moment we registered for Ironman on November 6, 2011

Am I getting in????   So excited!

Oh dear now I really have to do this!  AAAAHHHGGG!

My simple and reachable (I hope) Ironman goals this month are :

1.  Read "Going Long" 
       - by, Joe Friel & Gordon Byrn

2.  Choose a coach

3.  Lose 5lbs

4.  Stay focused

5.  Make a plan and follow it

6.  Remember I am good at this part

7.  I can and will do this

In a year, I want a video like this one. . . . . but with different music, and my name instead of hers, and pictures of me - doing my Ironman - with a smile on my face..... the time on the time clock would be fine with me too....anything under 17 hours - I will be HAPPY!

There are a few good quotes in this video but the one I need to remember this week - why I am doing this - is the following:

An IRONMAN is not made in 140.6 miles. . . 

an IRONMAN is forged through countless early morning wake-ups, gallons of sweat. . .

hundreds of miles of focus, and many months of self discipline. . . 

like steel, an IRONMAN enters the fire, is softened and beat down, shaped and molded. . .

and in the end is solid and strong. . . 

Today, I will be an IRONMAN

Sunday, November 6, 2011

52 weeks till IRONMAN - What 'GOT' me. . . . .

"Happiness is essentially a state of going somewhere wholeheartedly, one-directionally, without regret or reservation." - W.H. Sheldon

Here I go - on my journey to figure out "who I am", or maybe it is my journey of 'happiness' - either way, this is the video that hooked me. . . . and with a little push from Megan (my new training partner), Duane (#1 cheerleader and support crew), and a great big push from my very own ironman spirit

Florida Ironman here I come. . . .