I am learning that most of my friends and family are . . . curious. . . . about WHY I am doing an IRONMAN (2012). . . . . again (2014). . . . . I'm sure some days I will have the same questions, so here is an honest look into who I am - what is motivating me, what my goals are, and how I get from HERE to IRONMAN in 52 weeks . . . enjoy the ride!

Saturday, November 19, 2011

50 weeks till IRONMAN - use up all your weak

So In Cardston, Alberta, Canada (my hometown) today (November 19, 2011) It was cold and snowy ---and I wondered if I should cancel my 'run like a mother' running group. . . I decided to NOT cancel - knowing full well that I might be the only one show up today (with my daughter of course, because she is crazier about running than me - believe it or not!) 

Why did I need to run today in the cold and snow - why not just run on the treadmill?

Well, it was mostly a mental battle that I had this morning with myself. I used the strategy of having all my clothes layed out the night before, so I was ready physically, but emotionally, I kept thinking "it's too cold", "you don't have to prove anything to anyone" - ahhh but I have to prove to myself that when I think it is too _____________(insert excuse here), that I will do it anyways. . . and so today - I did! Was it worth it? Completely! It was actually an absolutely beautiful morning - my facebook status today was this:

It was a beautiful crisp morning with NO wind, the sun just coming up and the quiet crunch of the snow beneath my runners ( with new spikes for safety - which worked AWESOME by the way) wore 4 layers on top, 2 layers on hands, 2 layers on legs, toe socks regular runners( no vibrams today!) - and my bank robber touque - I was quite a sight I am sure with my icy eyelashes- but I had a marvelous time @ 'Run like a Mother'. Oh Canada - I have no idea what the temperature was - but my running garb worked for the weather today... sorry you missed the moment today....

Nobody Else's Footsteps Lead Exactly Where You're Going
- Author Unknown

I love quotes that are not necessarily meant for running but totally hit the spot. Even though you may be running the same race, on the same day, to the SAME finish line, YOUR experience will not be the same as anyone else.

Watch this short clip and listen for my favorite quote of all time. . . . . I am sure that it will be one that I will need to pull out and use many a day in the next year as I use up all my weak getting ready to be strong for my IRONMAN!

Maybe strong is just what you have left 
when you've used up all your weak!
- Saucony clip "What is strong"

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