I really am signed up and paid (once you've paid there is no turning back) for Florida Ironman 2012.
What should I be feeling?
My mom asked how I was feeling this week, and I told her I had lots of feelings. . . ranging from excitement, fear, unsurity, fateful, tired, thrilled, hopeful etc etc. . . but most of all - I feel ready to 'get at it'. Truly - I want to get a plan and get after it. Attack it with all that I have (with a few naps interspersed of course).
I realized my cycle to cope with stress on the day that I signed up for Ironman. I was nervous, and I wanted to eat, but I was fasting (as it was Fast Sunday) so I couldn't do that, then I wanted to sleep, but I couldn't do that either, wanted to go for a run, but couldn't really do that either, so I started cleaning (vacuuming, tidying and vacuuming) which was good because we were having family over for dinner later that day and the house needed it . . . . interesting coping skills..... eat, sleep, run, clean. . . I need to remember to skip to #3 and #4 as often as possible. . . . .
Here is a picture of me the moment we registered for Ironman on November 6, 2011
Am I getting in???? So excited!
My simple and reachable (I hope) Ironman goals this month are :
1. Read "Going Long"
- by, Joe Friel & Gordon Byrn
2. Choose a coach
3. Lose 5lbs
4. Stay focused
5. Make a plan and follow it
6. Remember I am good at this part
7. I can and will do this
In a year, I want a video like this one. . . . . but with different music, and my name instead of hers, and pictures of me - doing my Ironman - with a smile on my face..... the time on the time clock would be fine with me too....anything under 17 hours - I will be HAPPY!
There are a few good quotes in this video but the one I need to remember this week - why I am doing this - is the following:
An IRONMAN is not made in 140.6 miles. . .
an IRONMAN is forged through countless early morning wake-ups, gallons of sweat. . .
hundreds of miles of focus, and many months of self discipline. . .
like steel, an IRONMAN enters the fire, is softened and beat down, shaped and molded. . .
and in the end is solid and strong. . .
Today, I will be an IRONMAN
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