I am learning that most of my friends and family are . . . curious. . . . about WHY I am doing an IRONMAN (2012). . . . . again (2014). . . . . I'm sure some days I will have the same questions, so here is an honest look into who I am - what is motivating me, what my goals are, and how I get from HERE to IRONMAN in 52 weeks . . . enjoy the ride!

Saturday, August 25, 2012

10 weeks till IRONMAN - I think I hab a code - seriously??

"The secret of success is constancy to purpose."
 - Disraeli

Well, I think that my mind, is finally getting on board with this Ironman training.  It has been a good week to process my 1/2 Ironman Race.  It has been a tough week:

Monday - Brick - I got on the road, and had forgotten my helmet, so I turned around, got farther down the road and realized I had forgotten my sunglasses - sheesh.

Tuesday - Swim - always good.  3 hour bike ride.  Ha Ha - well, my bike shorts were in the laundry, and I though aww - my butt is tough enough . . . EEEEYYAAA!  Nope - it is not!  Or maybe it was just sore from my race on Saturday. . . . either way, I texted Duane to come and pick me up at 3 hours on the dot - - - no extra riding for me today (even though I was only about 20 minutes from home - at the top of the Leavitt hill - the best part of the ride - couldn't do it today.

Wednesday - Tempo Run - never easy.  Emma had to basically kick me out of the house - I was procrastinating - BIG TIME!

Thursday - Swim - the best workout of the week!

Friday - 3 hour bike ride.  I made sure I had everything I needed today, helmet, glasses, leg warmers, arm warmers, jacket, nutrition and hydration. You read right . . . arm warmers!!  leg warmers!!  I'm not ready for cold weather riding!!  Ready or not, here it comes!  I rode with a new friend Karen Alston - and it was good!  It was the first time I rode with ANYONE this season!  Weird I know.  The weather was not looking promising when we left - but she was had a very positive attitude (thank goodness, cause I did not) and off we headed towards the blue sky - through the wind and rain - brrr.  We rode through the border (it had a long line up, but people kept waving us forward - nice!  It was the first time either of us had ever 'walked across the border'.  Cool.  The weather smartened up - the wind was a bit spaztic, but all in all a great ride.  I have to admit it was fun to ride with someone - it definitely helped the time to pass.  I think I will do it again.  Although I didn't keep track of my cadence - at all!  I will have to look at my garmin and see how I really did!  oops.  Note to self - when you come down with a cold, don't take Sinutab 'nighttime' - it makes you whacky all night, although you did go to sleep quickly, when you woke up in the middle of the night, and couldn't go back to sleep cause you were wide awake, and felt weird and whacky - grrr - not worth it!

Saturday - 12 mile run.  I meant to get up earlier than I actually got moving, so I could get my run mostly over with before I met my "run like a mother" group - but the cold had really sunk in deep and it was REALLY dark at 5:30am - and cold!  So after I ran with the group, Barb drove me out the Leavitt highway for my last 6 miles and I ran home.  It was beautiful and all downhill so it was a nice way to finish my week.

I didn't feel like I got much recovery this week, and if I had not come down with this nasty cold - cold sores, sinus infection, sore throat, headache, fever, chills - the whole shebang ( and Grandma Beazer disappeared when I really needed a hot toddy!) - - - it may have been a little easier, but all in all - I survived the training 'the week after'!

I am quite proud of myself.  I am also thinking that maybe I CAN do this thing in only 10 more weeks!

I remember a while back Erin saying - you will have to get your head around the fact that a 2 hour bike ride is your new 'short ride'.  I don't know how many times I told myself that this week - but it was a LOT!  This IS an easy week!  This IS an easy week!  You ARE recovering!

Shawn Pinder  (his amazing wife Erin is my coach!!)  did his Ironman yesterday - and I have to admit that we kind of stalked him a little!  He is AMAZING!  He was 2nd out of the water - second! #2 ( #1 in his age category ) but out of  EVERYONE he was #2!  Duane and I decided that we need to get his autograph!  I wish I could have been there to see it!  But stalking him on the internet was pretty exciting!  He did phenomenal on the bike and run as well - check him out!  The screen shot didn't get that he was ranked in his division #14, and overall #81!  Impressive.

Here is a screen shot of his stats - My new hero today!

It was fun to see him do SO well - I hope this was an A race for him - - - cause it sure seemed like that to me!!  I think it should have said at the top - Congratulations Shawn on your AMAZING finish!

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