So early in 2012, I joined the Runner's Soul Marathon Club - hesitantly . . . . I have NEVER run a marathon, I have NEVER WANTED to run a marathon, I NEVER THOUGHT I COULD run a marathon, I DON'T REALLY EVER WANT TO run a marathon (except. . . . . BIG exception here) there is a marathon run at the end of this Ironman race that I signed up for . . . and so now I NEED to run a marathon, need to WANT TO run a marathon. . . in fact I would say I need that I NEED TO KNOW THAT I CAN run a marathon before I get to that race in only 28 weeks!
The point is, I signed up for Marathon Club, as another training tool to help me get to where I need to be for this Ironman race. This week there was a clinic with Sports Psychologist, Jennifer Spriddle. She had titled it "Train Your Brain - Mental Race Preparation".
This clinic was EXACTLY what I needed this week.
Things I learned, or had heard before and was reminded of. . .
1. I need to start visualizing the race . . . every day . . . make it part of my life. . . so I when I get there, I can close my eyes, and see myself succeeding in every part of Ironman. If I train my mind, my body will do it. I was also reminded of this concept as I listened to the book 'The Power of Habit" this week as well. Which of course Duane and I have been listening to - and it fits so perfectly into what I need in my life right now! I need to make my ironman race - a habit - so I just GO and DO!
2. Train in EVERY CONDITION so I can be prepared for EVERY CONDITION.
3. What will I do when I get tired - and I WILL GET TIRED!
a. consciously adjust my form. Straighten up, lift head, look around. Listen to the rhythm of my breathing, change my running gait. Focus on form for a time. . .
b. take an interest in my surroundings, look at 'where I am!' and the pain will diminish.
Elite athletes focus on technique the entire time, but THE REST OF US need to focus in and outside our bodies, we need to go back and forth between associative and dissociative.
4. Write some personal affirmations that I use in my 'daily Visualization Practice', so that I hear all the positive things when I am tired, and when I am tired. . . . negativity sets in. . . . and that is not a fun place to stay!
So I tried some of these techniques this week, when I went on my long run in Edmonton on Saturday - I focused on form, enjoyed where I was, let my mind remember life in Edmonton, ran even though I was on day 2 of my cycle (train in every condition so I can be prepared for every condition). I ran my 10 Miles on Saturday 15 minutes faster than last time - I am still in shock about that!
I will put my affirmations on the blog when I get them RIGHT.
So Emma had the second wacko Ironman dream this week. . .
I will have her type it after school - so you will have to check the blog again later - something about we got to Ironman and I decided I didn't want to do it, so I made her do it for me, I made her cut her hair, and pretend to be me. . .I think she said she drowned in the ocean . . . . I am sure this dream has some meanings we need to figure out. . . . where is Joseph (you know Joseph and the technicolor dream coat . . . ) when we need him!
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