I am learning that most of my friends and family are . . . curious. . . . about WHY I am doing an IRONMAN (2012). . . . . again (2014). . . . . I'm sure some days I will have the same questions, so here is an honest look into who I am - what is motivating me, what my goals are, and how I get from HERE to IRONMAN in 52 weeks . . . enjoy the ride!

Saturday, July 5, 2014

11 weeks till IRONMAN - Processing

Well, I am cooking a 27 pound turkey right now. . . . ya you read that right. . . .

It is 9:00pm on Thursday, July 3 - weird.

I am trying to 'clean out' my freezer this summer - and. . . .  I am having a fairly substantial 'need' for protein these days. . . .

As you may know - I struggle with food.  I struggle a lot.

With 11 weeks left till Ironman, I am feel like I am struggling.

I reached out to a sports nutritionist a week ago, hoping that they would be able to help me 'get it under control' - but I got a message today that they were unable to take me on as a client at this time.

I was mad, frustrated, sad, and most of all worried about how I was going to do this - by myself.

After a fairly in-depth conversation with my husband, within minutes, the door bell rang, and it was an old friend that I used to go to for counseling..... he just happened to stop by to pick up his Cardston Kids Marathon package.  REALLY?!?!

I am thinking there is really no such thing as coincidences. . .

He came in and we had a really good conversation (a mini session actually)

I heard him say a few things. . . .

After Ironman - re-assess

I can do exactly what I need to do for the next couple of months - whether I like it or not - just do it!

I know what to do - just make a plan and follow it - I know what is best for me.

HMMM - no such thing as a coincidence....

This is the same advice that others have been giving me all along - you would think I would listen, or have heard it by now. . . but it took today for me to finally clue in - I think - I hope.

Whether you like it or not. . . . . just do it. NOW.
re-assess after Ironman.


Friday - bike 5 hours - easy

I laugh everytime I look at my schedule from Erin and everything says 'easy' after it!  So I got up early in hopes to beat the wind - but I didn't really.  I rode past Welling, not quite to Lethbridge, turned around, and back to Cardston - but the way back was into the wind - it was tough.  I had Duane come and pick me up - and bring my runners - so I did my 10 minute run on the highway - my toes were BAD - I was grumpy - not my best day. . .
I learned to wear chamois cream, I learned my seat on my bike needs a little adjustment, I learned that the pain in my feet comes and goes - and sometimes it causes tears - , I learned that I don't need as much nutrition on the bike as I thought I needed and that helps my stomach, I learned that I need naps, that I love naps, and I will have naps - today was that day.

Saturday - run 2.5 hours - easy

There we go again with the 'easy'.  I slept in today - and it was a beautiful day for a run.  I drove to the school so I could use the bathrooms there on my loops - left my water and chews in the car.  Ran 2 loops around the temple ( 1 mile down!), then did my 5 mile loop - stopped at my house for bug spray and a quick drink from the fountain.  When I got back to the school, I did it all again - when I got back to the school for the second time, I was just a few minutes early from 2.5 hours, so I did 2 more laps around the school - bringing my Saturday run to a sweet 13.1 miles - the extra mile did GREAT things for me mentally.

A much BETTER workout day.

Finished with an ice bath, and a cup of tea - It is quite awful - but as far as recovery goes . . . .
it works - I swear!
Yup - you got it - First run a cold bath - then bring out all the ice you have.. . . 

Get in the cold bath - get someone to pour all the ice in the tub for you -
drink a cup of hot tea -
watch 15 minutes on netflix -
as to try to forget how VERY cold your legs and toes are getting. . . . . 

recovery is really important and I know you are thinking why is she doing this?!!  Remember what I learned just 2 days ago - whether you like it or not - just do what you have to do. . . . . That is why I have the ice baths - not because I like it - I'm not that crazy, but because

whether you like it or not - just do what you have to do.

 Now it is time for my very well earned NAP!

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