I am learning that most of my friends and family are . . . curious. . . . about WHY I am doing an IRONMAN (2012). . . . . again (2014). . . . . I'm sure some days I will have the same questions, so here is an honest look into who I am - what is motivating me, what my goals are, and how I get from HERE to IRONMAN in 52 weeks . . . enjoy the ride!

Saturday, July 28, 2012

14 weeks till IRONMAN - practice practice practice

When things go wrong - - - it's just practice.

This week was ALOT of practice!

Monday morning during my brick workout, I busted my de-railer hanger.  Just biking up the hill, I think actually I wasn't even on the hill.  It was crazy - all of a sudden, I thought my chain had fallen off, but I couldn't pedal - it was like it was seized up - - I just started thinking "get your feet out - hurry - get your feet out!"  Phew - I got my feet out, and looked down and thought "what the heck?!"  So I turned around and coasted down the hill, and then I took my shoes off and walked on the line on the highway, as it is the smoothest part of the highway. . . . I saw a runner up ahead and yelled " Hey!  Do you have a cell phone!?"  She either didn't hear me, or didn't have one. . . I couldn't decide . . .but she started running the other way - after a bit more walking I came to Kevin Leavitt's yard and decided to brave the gravel driveway and see if I could call home, but Kevin came around the corner in his truck - and offered to drive me and my bike back to my house.  THANK YOU - I didn't want to have to walk all the way home with a broken bike.  Just then, Duane drove up - he was worried about me ( awww )

Busted my de-railer hanger on my Monday brick training ride.  Man I am tough!!  I even got my feet out in time and didn't hurt myself!  I had to walk the painted line in my socks for quite a while. . . . but Duane finally came looking for me after I had found Kevin Leavitt to give me and my bike a ride home. . . . sigh. . . . 

I went out for another bike ride on my good old silver bike - then finished with a 30 minute run.  Training for Monday - check.

Tuesday's 2 hour bike ride was a bit more difficult to fit in. . . . but Duane drove us all out to Glenwood where the kids had dinner and ice cream and I biked home with no ice cream ( sigh )
My Tuesday 2 hour ride, I rode from Glenwood with NO coconut ice-cream on Good 'ol Silver.
So during this week, Duane, my super fantastic husband learned how and replaced the front and rear derailer, re-ran the cables, installed the new aero bars, changed the stem and put on a new chain.  Cleaned and shined 'er. . . . I got my bike 'pimped up'!!

On Thursday, I tried out the 'new' bike just moments before the hail storm of a lifetime.

Friday was my long ride to Magrath and back - and it was fairly un-eventful!  Except that Duane had to drive to Calgary to pick up a rental van for us to take on our vacation, hopefully leaving in only 1 more day....

Saturday was my long run of 10 miles - no problem and then off to Idaho for our 2 weeks away from home - I hope I remembered everything that I need!  Time to practice packing . . . . ugh.

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