In perfect timing, this little video was found for ME.
So, this guy - Dr. Jeff Brown is a co-author with my cousin Mark Fenske of the book "The Winner's Brain". I started reading this book a couple of years ago, but I am sure I didn't finish it. I get distracted easily with other books - but after listening to this little video, I have been re-motivated to pull the book out and finish reading it . . . as I need all the tips I can get to make my brain "a winner's brain".
He hits it right on the head when he talks about runners and their sport (irrational??- ha ha)- I need to make sure I internalize these 8 strategies in the next 24 weeks. . . .
8 strategies
1. Trust your training -
2. Eliminate the 'what ifs', 'ya buts', and 'if then's' in your thinking.
3. Put all of life's distractions on the back burner before and during the race.
4. If something unexpected happens, tell yourself it's ok
5. Talk yourself up 'heartbreak hill' - When the going get's tough - float, glide, up up up!
6. Indulge your superstitions
7. Choose 2 or 3 goals for your performance
8. Remind yourself 'why' you are running
I love the end when he says "Once you cross the finish line, please don't lie to yourself by saying "I'm never doing this again!" The pain and agony of running a marathon is the kind of pain you forget, you know you'll be back!"
Now I know I am not the only crazy one, because after both of my 1/2 Ironman races I told myself that exact lie. . . . and here we go again - in only 24 weeks!!!
Check out The Winner's Brain by my AWESOME cousin Dr. Mark Fenske, and his pal Dr. Jeff Brown.
mmmmmmmmm this post is like hot chocolate to my soul.