I am learning that most of my friends and family are . . . curious. . . . about WHY I am doing an IRONMAN (2012). . . . . again (2014). . . . . I'm sure some days I will have the same questions, so here is an honest look into who I am - what is motivating me, what my goals are, and how I get from HERE to IRONMAN in 52 weeks . . . enjoy the ride!

Saturday, May 26, 2012

23 weeks till Ironman - Racing @ 40

You got it - I turned 40 this week!  On Thursday to be exact. . . . May 24, 2012.  These kind of days remind me of other momentous days. . . like my 30th birthday.  

That is a whole different story that sometimes feels like a whole different life, with a whole different person. . . although I know that I am who I am today because of who I have been. . . it's a bit of a mind waggle to say the least.  

All I am going to say about turning 30 is that I felt like I was falling apart physically - my rib went out ON my 30th birthday,  I could hardly breathe as we tried to find a chiropractor somewhere in the midwest.  I was wearing orthotics in my shoes and a mouth guard for grinding my teeth. . . . here is a photo to remind me of what 10 years can do. . . . 

Women's Handcart Pull on our Beazer Family trip to Nauvoo in 2002.

TICK TOCK TICK TOCK - 10 years later . . . . . 

I'm turning 40 with sparklers!!!

With the perfect cake for me this year. . . . trying to eat gluten free and dairy free - VOILA!

Thank you Duane for the perfect cake made entirely out of REAL FRUIT!!!!

On Saturday, I ran my first race as a 40 year old. . . . The Legacy 1/2 Marathon.  This was my first long distance race since my surgery 15 months ago. . . actually my first long distance race since the Pumpkinman 19 months ago. . . . . Making it 2 years ago that I signed up to do this same race, but I knew there was something wrong with me, and even my chiropractor told me NOT to run in the race . . . and so I DNS the Legacy 1/2 Marathon in 2010.  That was REALLY hard for me that day. . . I really want to put all of that behind me . . . 

Duane admitted later that day that he just kept saying over and over as he drove up and down the race course taking pictures . . . "please let this be a good experience" . . . "please let this be a good experience".  His prayers worked.

Some of my 'run like a mother' friends: Karen Bevans and Barb Pilling

Duane's nieces, Jillisa Quinton and Brooklyn Quinton started running this year
(like this year as in 2012, NOT this year as in the last 12 months!)
They ran in the Legacy 1/2 Marathon today too!  Finishing together with a time of 2:09:34
So these natural runners have only been running for 5 months - amazing!
It is so fun to have more family around!

This was a great race for me - I had fun, and felt good.
My feet did what my feet do . . . . PAIN that comes and goes. . . .
My time today was 2:21:11.  I was hoping for (expecting) anything between 2:10 and 2:30
I was happy with my results.  I was second in my age category.
Gotta love small races.  Gotta love being newly 40!
I feel like I have improved so much in the last 2 years, and I still have room to improve which is good too.  I am so glad I am not sick anymore.

“The secret of success is constancy to purpose.”

-Benjamin Disraeli

That's the thing about running: 
your greatest runs are rarely measured by racing success. 
They are moments in time when running allows you
 to see how wonderful your life is.       
- Kara Goucher

Well, 3 days into being 40 - life is fantastic!  

When people ask what I am doing for my 40th birthday, I answer -"I'm doing Ironman!" 
- and then the conversation ends. . . . abruptly . . . oh well!  I know they were expecting something more exciting . . but really - what can be more exciting than doing IRONMAN??!
Happy 40th Birthday to me anyways!

Saturday, May 19, 2012

24 weeks till IRONMAN - The Journey

What a journey this has become.  Sometimes I feel like I am not only training for IRONMAN, but that I am training for life, because some of the things that my training teaches me, I need to know for life. . . . 

This past week has been quite a training week . . . 

On one of my bike rides, I witnessed a little part of someone else's journey.  I saw an older couple who were on bikes packed like mules, riding along down the highway towards the US border.  They had come from Calgary, were heading to St. Mary's that day, but their final destination was Yellowstone National Park, and they figured it would take them 2 weeks to get there on their bikes - WOW!  I was so excited for them!  I thought to myself - - - "someday I am going to do that!"  I want that experience to be a part of my journey someday. . . 

When I went for my "medical procedure" this week ( which turned out perfectly fine - phew!  Ya, I was worried)  I saw a quote on a calendar at the hospital.  It was this:

"The man who can drive himself further 
once the effort gets painful 
is the man who will win." 
- Roger Bannister.

This past week, training has taught me, and I have learned a lot about what I need to make my IRONMAN journey successful.

I learned that I need my sleep every night. 

I learned that I can't stay out so late in Lethbridge on swim days, because the next day requires quite a bit of energy!

I learned that I need constant hydration.  I need to take my fuel belt even on tempo runs now.  I was almost delerious after my run on Wednesday.

I learned that I need good fuel.  Important to have a snack for after tempo runs, especially when I am riding my bike with the 4 year old attached to commute home. . . even an apple would suffice!

I learned that I may need a cell phone for long training rides.  Although prayer did work miracles this week when my rear hub came loose, and my bike seized up only 1/2 an hour into my 2 hour ride.  Shannon drove by and stopped to give me a ride home.  Which is a miracle, as Duane would not have been coming to look for me for at least another 1.5 hours!

I learned that I need more layers for long rides.  The weather can change in a heartbeat around here, and I think I may need to take a small backpack with arm warmers, leg warmers, jacket etc etc.  I felt almost hypothermic on Saturday after my long ride through, wind, rain, sun, and more rain showers!  The quote on determination helped me today.

I learned what it feels like to 'bonk'.

I learned that popcorn (even just a little bit) makes my stomach hurt for a couple of days - and therefore is not worth it.

I learned that I need to be prepared for anything.

I learned that I need to just worry about today (not tomorrow's medical procedure, or test, or ride, or run - JUST TODAY!)

I learned that I have A LOT more to learn . . . and that is why I am glad that I have 24 more weeks of training . . . 

because training just means learning. . . . 

Saturday, May 12, 2012

25 weeks till IRONMAN - The Winner's Brain

So this week, I am not so worried about winning - actually I have never worried at all about winning . . . Just finishing. . . . for some reason this week - the bike ride seems REALLY BIG to me. . . . and then. . . RUN A MARATHON! EEEKKS!

In perfect timing, this little video was found for ME.

So, this guy - Dr. Jeff Brown is a co-author with my cousin Mark Fenske of the book "The Winner's Brain". I started reading this book a couple of years ago, but I am sure I didn't finish it. I get distracted easily with other books - but after listening to this little video, I have been re-motivated to pull the book out and finish reading it . . . as I need all the tips I can get to make my brain "a winner's brain".

He hits it right on the head when he talks about runners and their sport (irrational??- ha ha)- I need to make sure I internalize these 8 strategies in the next 24 weeks. . . .

8 strategies

1. Trust your training -

2. Eliminate the 'what ifs', 'ya buts', and 'if then's' in your thinking.

3. Put all of life's distractions on the back burner before and during the race.

4. If something unexpected happens, tell yourself it's ok

5. Talk yourself up 'heartbreak hill' - When the going get's tough - float, glide, up up up!

6. Indulge your superstitions

7. Choose 2 or 3 goals for your performance

8. Remind yourself 'why' you are running

I love the end when he says "Once you cross the finish line, please don't lie to yourself by saying "I'm never doing this again!" The pain and agony of running a marathon is the kind of pain you forget, you know you'll be back!"

Now I know I am not the only crazy one, because after both of my 1/2 Ironman races I told myself that exact lie. . . . and here we go again - in only 24 weeks!!!

Check out The Winner's Brain by my AWESOME cousin Dr. Mark Fenske, and his pal Dr. Jeff Brown.

Sunday, May 6, 2012

26 Weeks till IRONMAN - The Half - Way Point

"One can have no smaller or greater mastery 
than mastery of oneself." 
- Leonardo da Vinci

I can't believe that I am at the half-way point . . . . . 26 weeks ago . . . I timidly, nervously, unsuredly. . . . signed up to do my hardest thing, physically, mentally, socially and spiritually in my life . . . knowing that I would have to commit with my entire heart and soul to this one purpose . . . to prepare, endure, learn, discover, hope and dream . . . and let's not forget . . . . a WHOLE LOT of SWIMMING, BIKING, and RUNNING!

Here I am with 26 weeks behind me, and 26 weeks in front of me. . . what a place to be . . . desperately wishing I could push the pause button . . . but, there is NO WAITING HERE . . . time (IRONMAN) waits for no one. . . only consistant action, following the plan with more consistant action.

The next 26 weeks are going to be challenging in so many ways - but I do LOVE a challenge . . . and I am learning that if I just do today what I need to do today, it will not only take care of yesterday, but completely prepare me for tomorrow.  That is a great feeling!

This is the plan.

All I need to do is follow the plan.

I will do this.

I heard some SAD news today.  Ironman St. George (which happened yesterday) announced that this was the last year of their full Ironman event.  As of 2013, Ironman St. George (one of the only 3 full ironman events on this continent that happen on a Saturday - yes I am a Saturday only racer) will become Ironman 70.3 (which is a 1/2 ironman event).  Sigh.  I was really hoping to someday race in the St. George Ironman . . . and now it looks like I have lost my chance.  I think my only choices now are Florida and Texas . . . things that make you go hmmm.  Both very far away from me - but . . . both . . . warm!!!

So, I have had a great week.  I am fine tuning my diet, figuring out what I can and can't eat on Fridays (day before long run), and Saturdays (day before REST day).  What gives me a tummy ache, and what makes me feel good!  My workouts are starting to pick up a little which I love because more challenge = more reward!  I am spending more time outside, less time on the bike trainer in my basement or in the gym.  I did my first TEMPO run outside this week and Erin was right - it was much more fun!

So here is another video that I am watching that is helping me to visualize myself there at IRONMAN - I visualize those volunteers helping me, I am starting to see myself running through the sand, and getting cleaned off in the showers - - - I know that I have to see it to believe it!  Even in my own mind!

Here's to the half - way point!
Life is definitely half full - not half empty!