I am learning that most of my friends and family are . . . curious. . . . about WHY I am doing an IRONMAN (2012). . . . . again (2014). . . . . I'm sure some days I will have the same questions, so here is an honest look into who I am - what is motivating me, what my goals are, and how I get from HERE to IRONMAN in 52 weeks . . . enjoy the ride!

Saturday, March 31, 2012

31 Weeks till IRONMAN - Not Plan A

It has been quite a week, with an injury that I don't really want to talk about, I have been unable to "train", to follow my ironman plan, to do anything, and I have been FRUSTRATED!  As the week progressed, I seemed to have a good day, (and then I probably did 'too much') and then I would have a bad day. . . . but I really tried to do everything I needed to do to 'get better' . . . . no going to the gym in the morning, no running, no biking, no driving to Lethbridge to go swimming . . . ..

by Friday, I was finally able to drive to Lethbridge and go swimming (on the way, I saw 2 bikers on the road, I was jealous, but excited that it could be me. . . soon).  My swim felt good, great actually.  I was hopeful that I would be able to 'run like a mother' on Saturday morning, and maybe, just maybe go for my LONG run (10 miles scheduled).

Saturday morning arrived, it was beautiful outside, but alas, the morning did not go according to Plan A . . . I'm not sure 'why' but my symptoms have returned with a vengeance this morning. . . . I was SOOO angry, frustrated, sad, upset. . . .

and alas, I am back in bed with terrible pain and some anger issues to boot!!!  Sigh

Maybe it was one, or a combination of the following:

drive to and from Lethbridge
1 hour swim
1/2 hour swim with kids
1 hour sitting in the chair for my haircut
Costco run ( which includes hauling $200 worth of groceries into cart, into van, and into the house- can you tell I have a real love/hate relationship with that store!)
Costco samples  (had 2 samples of Cliff bar, and 1 sample of hemp seeds)
my steak dinner last night (I only had 3 oz, thought that would be safe)
the 2 cups of popcorn with the movie last night (also thought that would be safe)
carrying my 4 year old who is the size of a 6 year old upstairs to bed (wasn't thinking, as she fell asleep on my lap)

At this point, I will never do anything on this list again!  Well, never is a long time, but for at least a month, as I know I will need a haircut again - and swimming, well, I really don't think that was the culprit.

I am hopeful that with 2 days of rest (today and tomorrow) I may be able to get back to some sort of workout schedule on Monday . . . .  as much as I have enjoyed my sleeping in . . . I do miss my workouts, and I am starting to feel 'lazy' - and that is not a good place for me mentally!

I hope this is just a hic-cup and it doesn't take me another week to recover. . . .

but in reality, I have no control over this . . .

SOOOO - maybe I should sign up for races!  At least make some decisions, and figure out how much money I am going to spend . . . . .

YAAA - that will give me something to look forward to, something to help me believe that I won't feel this crappy FOREVER!

So, when Plan A fails, go to Plan B - spending $$ I don't really feel like I have:

Cardston Legacy 1/2 Marathon ($50)
Cardston Kids Marathon ($18) ($111 for the whole family - still a good deal)
Cardston Family Fun Run (5 miler) ($13 - $2 discount for signing up for Cardston Kids Marathon!  $91 for the whole family)
Magrath Triathlon (Olympic) ($45)
Pocatello Triathlon (Sprint) ($40) (add another $40 for Duane to do it too)
Fort Macleod Triathlon (1/2 Ironman) ($50)

Cost for me $216
Cost for whole family $427

Who's idea was it anyways to change our families 'lifestyle'?  Just kidding - it's worth it . . . .

Saturday, March 24, 2012

32 Weeks till IRONMAN - It prepares me


It explains so much about why I race.  Thank you for writing this, Megan from 'Run Like a Mother'

Racing Prepares You

24th March 2012 | Megan
I recently raced in a bike race.  As I lined up at the starting line, I looked around at the women that surrounded me.  In their colorful racing kits, chatting amongst themselves; they varied from much younger to younger, from super fit to “happy to start together” and from confident to “happy to hang on”.
This was a criterion style bike style bike race, in which you compete typically in a pack (peloton), unless someone breaks away.  We had to race 22 laps in roller derby fashion, jostling for position as the race progresses until the bell lap when there is a mad sprint for the finish.  The race is very high energy and lasts only 45 minutes, but in that time your heart is racing and your mind has to be spot on.
I am often asked why do I do this race.  Or any race for that matter.  What is the point of competition?    In a previous blog (http://www.runlikeamotherrace.com/out-of-the-box-experiences/) I wrote about being “Out of the Box”, putting yourself in a place of discomfort to grow mentally.  Challenge is something that keeps us sharp, pulls us out what can be an easy, mundane existence.  Challenge can be a  personal, private, internal test or it can be shouted from the roof tops.
It can happen in the same event but have different meanings to different people.  A running race is a great example.  The first timer  just wants the challenge of a finish, the veteran perhaps a Personal Best and the pro, to qualify for another event or milestone.  There they are in the same race, doing the same thing with the same “quality” of a challenge; just a different outcome.
Competing is important on so many levels.  I recently posted,
Racing makes you sharp.
Training builds your strength and endurance physically but most importantly mentally.
We do these things for our own bodies but also to be better for others. There are times when your ability to withstand events will hold those around you.
It’s our way of life
Athletic events provide the opportunity to prepare.  Often times, people will look cross-eyed wondering “Why” you must TRAIN or RACE, what is it all for anyway?  Competition and challenges keep you keen, refocus your efforts on you, which sometimes gets lost.  The ultimate gift as you test yourself, is that you are preparing your mind and body to endure other life events.  During the preparation phase, not only physical but mental stamina is gained.  During the test phase or race, we learn even further the amount of stress we are able to carry mentally and physically.
Most of us have endured awful diagnosis’, divorces, sudden deaths of loved ones or other life events. We have friends and support of family to help us cope.  Eventually though, we have to rely on ourselves, our own strength and toughness to guide us through the difficult time.  Athletics helps to prepare us but additionally can carry us through when something bad happens.
Racing is not for everyone, but it does help your mind and body prepare for the times when the going gets tough.  Putting yourself in a race situation, tests your mind and draws on your soul; no matter the distance or the pace as long as it puts you in out of the box where you are forced to deal with the uncomfortable.  Put yourself in that situation now and you will most certainly draw on it later.

Saturday, March 17, 2012

33 Weeks till IRONMAN - Following the Plan

Rest Day
Duane leaves for Toronto
Church alone with 5 kids
Giving 'Every Step Counts" presentation at 6:30pm

Brick 30/20
Kate went to a friends for the afternoon
Song Practice
Pick up Kate from friend's house
Dinner and Family Home Evening
Talked about the week - it's going to get busy!

Mary to Choir
Drive to Lethbridge
Drop off Kate
Meet with Erin
Drive Home
Unload Costco load
Girls Haircuts
Take Clara and Emma to singing lesson
Go To Relief Society Party
Singing @ Relief Society Party
Girls walked home from lesson in the torrential Wind
Finally got home from the REALLY long party
Emma had helped Clara pack for her field trip tomorrow

Tempo Run
Clara leaves for Choir Field Trip @ 7:30am
Kate @ Pre-school
Festival Jack
Festival Mary
pick up Kate from pre-school
Go back to hear Jack's other festival piece
Have lunch with kids, take them back to school
Drive to the border
Pick up pedometers for Kids Marathon
Learn to do a commercial import for Kids Marathon (including calling the school division to get permission and a letter stating such a fact)
Deliver pedometers to school
Pick up books from Library for Festival
Drop off kids for Piano lessons
Hope that Emma gets to lessons alright after going to the temple for baptisms afterschool
Cubs - last minute Yoga/smoothie class (put on by me)
Pick up kids from music lessons
Jack to Scouts
Clara home @ 11pm

6am, Met with Kaitlyn for first 'learn to run' session
Clara woke up @ 9:30am
Festival for  Emma
Take kids to school after lunch
Long Ride with Kate watching
Teach a Speech lesson
Completely SPENT after yesterday!

PD Day - no school - kids home all day. . . .
Festival for Clara and Emma
Leave Emma and Jack to clean up the house.. .
Take Clara, Mary and Kate to Lethbridge
Stop and buy metatarsal pads for run tomorrow
Stay over @ Mom and Dad's house
Duane returned home to Cardston

Long Run 10 miles - tried metarsal pads - didn't help. . . .
Breakfast @ Streetside
Cosco run
Drive home to Cardston
Meet my husband after THAT week.

EXHAUSTED - but so proud of myself for following the plan.  All my workouts, festival, and all the other things that had to happen this week to make it through. . . . I didn't do so well with my food, but hopefully this week will be better with Duane home to help carry the crazy load of our life........

And THAT was my reality . . . .

SIGH.....One week closer to IRONMAN

note to self "If you can do all THAT and still follow the PLAN you can do IRONMAN!

Saturday, March 10, 2012

34 weeks till IRONMAN - Jet Lag + Moonlight Run = FUN

Who knew . . . Running the Moonlight run while recuperating from jet lag would be so much FUN!

We had such a great time!!!  The weather was perfect, the company was great, and it was fun!  My dad (Grandpa Jack) was not registered for the race, he just came to get his miles in for the day. . . I think we might get him running next year??!  It was so fun to be there as a family!

Our official times were:

Emma (6K)  34:17:55
Jack (6K)  41:58:00
Clara (6K)  42:09:90
Patricia (10K) 1:01:48:55
Leah Nelson (10K)  1:06:05:60
Duane (6K) 1:07:00:95
Grandpa Jack (6K)  1:07:00:95

Here is a picture of our 'gang' before the race.  Now that is what I call a party!

Jack Appleton, Leah Nelson, Emma Beazer, Clara Beazer, Duane Beazer, Patricia Beazer, Jack Beazer

I was feeling a little pressure, as Erin was going to use my time for my tempo runs. . . and I really wanted it to be respectable. . . I didn't need to be fast, just respectable. . .

SIGH  - it was a great race!

Saturday, March 3, 2012

35 weeks till IRONMAN - Taiwan

Ironman Training in Taiwan. . . . .

Well, not seriously - but what fun we had!

Swim Highlights - going to the secret hotsprings was another unbelievable adventure.  We walked along pathways, through farmland and down dan   gerous areas.  Love how things translate sometimes. We hiked down through the mist and rain over rocks and through trees to find the amazing secret hotsprings - and were they HOT!  The waterfall was cold, but it felt good!

Standing in the waterfall at the secret hotsprings.  Dream come true!

It was a wet walk through the local farms, but VERY worth it!

Bike Highlights - I saw some GREAT unique bikes on my trip, hauling garbage and ladies riding while carrying their umbrella, and I got to go biking to the ocean!  Perfect!

Just me and the scooters, and the people and the market at dusk!
Not as uncommon as you would think. . . . just using their bikes to haul . . . whatever needs to be hauled! 
We made it to the ocean - Yahoo!!!

Totally cool bike tire on the biking path in Taipei - Love it!
That is one talented bike lady - riding with an umbrella, very useful talent.

Run Highlights in Taiwan - definitely hiking the crags in Pingshi, what a cool experience.  Running on the mountain, feeling the moss covered walls, and seeing the old farms, and the bus stop with the wooden chairs for a 'bench'.  So perfect. . . sorry I didn't get a picture of that....  breathing the country air, truly feeling the feelings of being in Taiwan - when you run, you are really really there in body and spirit - so hard to explain, but it takes you to another level.  Truly wonderful!

Hiking the Crags in Pingshi, in the rain with the ropes - what an amazing adventure!
Aidan asks "What's at the top?"  Oakley (11 years old)  answers -
 "Oh, just grown up stuff - they are taking more pictures, go down, go down!"
Can't believe I am here, doing this - what an experience!

Nutrition - oh the markets and they fresh fruits and vegetables were absolutely beautiful.  Beautiful food - but I think the meat hanging in the market is enough to make me a vegetarian!  The fruit man peeled the pineapple with a giant knife.  He was a master, and the pineapple smelled SOOO good, and tasted even better!  Steamed chocolate bun, mmmmm.  The onion cake was as good as I remembered it 20 years ago too. . . .

I'm loving all the beautiful vegetable choices - loving it!

Ironman Dreams for 2012 - setting off our own lantern - Cool!  The lanterns in the movie 'Tangled' is really real!  I SO SO LOVE IT!

Our Lantern with our 2012 dreams!
It's lit, and hot - ready to rise!!

Make it so!!!!  There it goes!!

This is Carrie's video from the lantern festival earlier in the month,
 but I had to share it with you because it is so AWESOME!