by Friday, I was finally able to drive to Lethbridge and go swimming (on the way, I saw 2 bikers on the road, I was jealous, but excited that it could be me. . . soon). My swim felt good, great actually. I was hopeful that I would be able to 'run like a mother' on Saturday morning, and maybe, just maybe go for my LONG run (10 miles scheduled).
Saturday morning arrived, it was beautiful outside, but alas, the morning did not go according to Plan A . . . I'm not sure 'why' but my symptoms have returned with a vengeance this morning. . . . I was SOOO angry, frustrated, sad, upset. . . .
and alas, I am back in bed with terrible pain and some anger issues to boot!!! Sigh
Maybe it was one, or a combination of the following:
drive to and from Lethbridge
1 hour swim
1/2 hour swim with kids
1 hour sitting in the chair for my haircut
Costco run ( which includes hauling $200 worth of groceries into cart, into van, and into the house- can you tell I have a real love/hate relationship with that store!)
Costco samples (had 2 samples of Cliff bar, and 1 sample of hemp seeds)
my steak dinner last night (I only had 3 oz, thought that would be safe)
the 2 cups of popcorn with the movie last night (also thought that would be safe)
carrying my 4 year old who is the size of a 6 year old upstairs to bed (wasn't thinking, as she fell asleep on my lap)
At this point, I will never do anything on this list again! Well, never is a long time, but for at least a month, as I know I will need a haircut again - and swimming, well, I really don't think that was the culprit.
I am hopeful that with 2 days of rest (today and tomorrow) I may be able to get back to some sort of workout schedule on Monday . . . . as much as I have enjoyed my sleeping in . . . I do miss my workouts, and I am starting to feel 'lazy' - and that is not a good place for me mentally!
I hope this is just a hic-cup and it doesn't take me another week to recover. . . .
but in reality, I have no control over this . . .
SOOOO - maybe I should sign up for races! At least make some decisions, and figure out how much money I am going to spend . . . . .
YAAA - that will give me something to look forward to, something to help me believe that I won't feel this crappy FOREVER!
So, when Plan A fails, go to Plan B - spending $$ I don't really feel like I have:
Cardston Legacy 1/2 Marathon ($50)
Cardston Kids Marathon ($18) ($111 for the whole family - still a good deal)
Cardston Family Fun Run (5 miler) ($13 - $2 discount for signing up for Cardston Kids Marathon! $91 for the whole family)
Magrath Triathlon (Olympic) ($45)
Pocatello Triathlon (Sprint) ($40) (add another $40 for Duane to do it too)
Fort Macleod Triathlon (1/2 Ironman) ($50)
Cost for me $216
Cost for whole family $427
Who's idea was it anyways to change our families 'lifestyle'? Just kidding - it's worth it . . . .